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Jimmie Åkesson (SD) on Erdogan: “A dictator”

After the comments from both Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) about the Erdogan doll that was hung outside Stockholm City Hall, several top politicians have emphasized that the Turkey protest is covered by the freedom of expression law. Among others, Johan Pehrson (L) who during Monday told Aftonbladet:

– I defend the right to protest against Erdogan in Sweden in the same way that I defend the right for Paludan to manifest his views.

Jimmie Åkesson believes that the action, which the Erdogan-critical Rojava Committees are behind, is covered by freedom of speech even though he believes it was “irresponsible”. He thinks that Turkey has probably already passed the limit of what they can demand from Sweden in exchange for NATO entry. He is also of the opinion that Erdogan is referred to as the “people’s elected president”.

– I am party leader of the anti-Islamist party SD and have strong views on an Islamist dictator like Erdogan. He is elected, yes. But it is also Putin in that sense, says Åkesson.

The investigation closed

The investigation into the action was dropped by the Prosecutor’s Office on Monday, which did not consider it to be classed as defamation. Billström then said that it is up to the authorities and courts to decide what is criminal and what is not, but that he still believes that the action is “sabotage against the Swedish NATO application”.

– We are in the biggest security policy crisis since the Second World War and it is extremely important that Sweden is allowed to join NATO. In that context, to carry out an action like this as pure sabotage against the NATO application is bad for Sweden, and I also want to be clear about that. In addition, it is extremely distasteful with a mock execution like this in a country that has had two leading politicians murdered, Billström said on Monday.

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“Disgusting” – hear Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson comment on the incident with the Erdogan doll that was hung outside Stockholm City Hall. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT
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