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Joe Biden affirmed that the objects shot down last week are not Chinese spy balls

After almost a week of back and forth, Joe Biden held a press conference to confirm that the three objects that the United States government shot down in North American airspace were not part of the Chinese spy balloon program, and that they were probably part of private entities.

The US president spoke at a press conference about the event.

According to the president of the northern nation, they still do not know what the objects they shot down are, but “nothing suggests that they are part of the Chinese spy balloon program or that they are part of surveillance vehicles from any other country.” “According to the Intelligence community, these three balloons probably belong to private companies, as a method of recreation or for research institutes that study the climate or other kinds of studies,” he told the media. Joe Biden.

This speech in front of the press occurred four days before the armed forces demolished the last of these objects, which led several people within the media to demand that the government of Joe Biden more transparency about this event. the current president He pointed out that the measures he took were due to the fact that there was a “sudden increase in objects in the sky”, which is why they decided to shoot them down, since although they appear to be currently benign: “If any object presents a threat to the security of citizens Americans, I am going to strive to bring them down.”

4 objects were shot down, of which at least 3 were not part of the spy balloon plan.

The politician said he ordered his administration to create “better rules to be able to deal with these unidentified objects in the future, distinguish those that create security risks, those that need action on our part and those that don’t.” He also stated that they are going to generate a better inventory of unmanned aerial vehicles on American soil in order to avoid problems.

Chinese criticism

After this situation was made public, from China they were surprised by the complaints made by their North American counterparts, both because according to them “Since last year several high-altitude balloons belonging to the North American armed forces entered illegally into our airspace, without seeking the approval of the relevant departments.”

Wang Wenbin of the Ministry of International Affairs criticized the actions of the United States.

Besides from the Ministry of International Relations pointed out that the US government “overreacted and fired at a Chinese unmanned flying ship, which belonged to civil organizations, with excessive force and without paying attention to international laws and practices”

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