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Joe Biden met with AMLO and Justin Trudeau at the "Three Amigos"

This week the North American Summit took place that brought together the presidents of USA, Mexico and Canada to discuss different issues of local politics in an event known as the “Three Amigos” meeting. One of Joe Biden’s focuses was to discuss with Lopez Obrador in order to improve the management of illegal migration between the two northern countries.

The three leaders met this week.

This was one of the three main topics discussed among members from neighboring countries, while the other two were climate change affecting various parts of the continent and northern economic integration. Despite being a problem between USA and Mexico, the majority of people who want to cross into the lands belonging to Washington come, on many occasions, from Venezuela, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Although it would seem to be a matter only between USA and Mexico, Canada is one of the nations that receives the most citizens seeking political asylum, in many cases coming from territories at war, such as Syria or Iran. But in recent years they had conflicts with your neighbors in the south because they did not fulfill the role of “safe third country” when these people arrived with complex situations.

Until two years ago they had a horrible relationship, but it seems to improve.

The relationship between AMLO and Biden began rocky, but over time they seem to have become friends, in part, due to the great diplomatic efforts of the US president to get closer to his neighbor. Now, however, he has an excellent relationship with the Mexican leader who pointed to his peer as a “visionary” and “the only leader who can unite the western hemisphere”.

Lopez Obrador’s request to his neighbors

AMLO had some time to speak publicly with his neighbors, so he took the opportunity to ask Biden about the way Americans see all of Latin America.

Illegal immigration is one of the main problems in the north.

I want to take advantage of this moment so that we commit together to stop this abandonment, this disdain, this forgetfulness against Latin America and the Caribbean, which is opposed to the “good neighbor” policy.starting with you because there is no one better in the world to start this campaign,” said the Mexican president.

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