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Joe Biden pledges to “shoot down” any aerial object that threatens US security

Recently, several unidentified flying objects were visible in the American sky.

Reading time: 1 min

Joe Biden said Thursday he would issue orders to “shoot down” any aerial object that threatens the security of the United States.

“If a (flying) object poses a threat to the safety of Americans, I will bring it down,” the US president said in a televised address, his first since the US shot down a Chinese balloon and three unnamed flying objects. identified in the skies of North America.

“We don’t want a new Cold War” and “will continue to talk with China,” said the American president in a short speech. “I hope I can speak with President Xi and get to the bottom of this matter, but I make no apologies for bringing down this balloon,” he added.

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Spy balloon: The low-cost threat the Pentagon knowingly ignores

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