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Joe Biden’s lawyers returned to the National Archives classified documents found in an office of the president

They found classified documents in a private office of Joe Biden. (REUTERS/Henry Romero)

At least a dozen confidential documents from the period of the current president of the United States, Joe Bidenas Vice President during the Administration Obama were found during the month of November in a private office of the president.

Biden’s lawyers found government classifieds before the midterm congressional elections in the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washingtona private entity of the president attached to the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an honorary professor between 2017 and 2019, reported CBS.

In total, at least ten confidential documents would have been counted, although it is not clear what they are about or for what reason they were in Biden’s private office and not in the custody of the National Archives.

Federal office holders in USA They are required by law to give up official documents and classified records when their government service ends. Nevertheless, they can apply for them under a permit, although this was not the caseaccording to the aforementioned chain.

The documents date from his time as Barack Obama’s vice president. (REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein)

Meanwhile, on the day of this discovery –specifically on November 2, 2022–, the Office of the Lawyer of the White House notified the National Archives, which took possession of the materials the following morning and informed the Justice Department the incident to conduct an investigation.

“The White House is cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice regarding the discovery of what appear to be records of the Obama-Biden Administration, including a small number of documents with classified marks,” the Biden adviser detailed. Richard Sauber in statements to CNN.

“The documents were discovered as the president’s personal attorneys were packing up files housed in a locked cabinet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington. The president periodically used this space from mid-2017 until the start of the 2020 campaign, ″ he added.

The White House Attorney’s Office notified the National Archives. (REUTERS/Erin Scott)

As detailed by Sauber, the documents “were not the subject of any prior request or consultation by the Archive.”

These events take place months after the agents of the fbi raided the Florida residence of sea-a-lake of the former president donald trump to confiscate classified documents of his Presidency that remained in his custody without permission from the competent authorities.

Among the documents collected by federal agents during the raid on the Mar-a-Lago residence in August, some confidential files were found which would even describe the military defenses of a foreign government, including its nuclear capabilities.

(With information from Europa Press)

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