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Johannes Kirsch: 5 reasons why companies need to make career orientation more creative

Kivent GmbH

Berlin (ots)

Johannes Kirsch is an entrepreneur and inventor of the Career Kick, an innovative career and training fair. The event manager has set itself the task of bringing prospective trainees and companies together with a new concept in times of a shortage of skilled workers. In the following article, he reveals why companies should rely on such creative events when looking for employees today.

The shortage of skilled workers has companies firmly in its grip: Many skilled workers will retire in the next few years, while at the same time the job market is empty. One solution could be the increased training of new specialists, but many training positions remain vacant today. However, this is not only due to the competition between companies and universities of applied sciences – often the young people simply no longer know what exactly is behind the job titles. “In order to get more young people excited about an apprenticeship, creatively designed solutions on an equal footing are needed today,” explains Johannes Kirsch. “The usual training fairs are usually only perceived by potential junior employees as a chore. In order to motivate them to do an apprenticeship, it is important to make the apprenticeship itself more interesting and to present the advantages of an apprenticeship. For example, you earn money directly in an apprenticeship own money, is part of a team and learns in practice. In addition, at the end of the training you already have professional experience and know what you are talking about – a decisive advantage on the job market. The question remains as to how companies and young people get to know each other today can.”

Johannes Kirsch has been an independent entrepreneur for many years and is the inventor of the career kick. Because he felt that classic job and training fairs were no longer up to date, the multiple German champion in table football developed an innovative fair concept in which young people and training companies can get to know each other in a playful way over a round of table football. In this way, they can establish a connection in a trusting atmosphere and talk at eye level about the topics of training and professional development. In the following, Johannes Kirsch reveals why companies are relying on such playful live events to combat the shortage of skilled workers and why they should be more creative in their recruitment process.

1. Decreased attention span

Career orientation events are now compulsory for schoolchildren from the seventh grade onwards, but the traditional trade fairs and counseling services are hardly suitable for attracting young people’s interest. One reason for this is the ubiquitous digital offer in the media and social networks: Today, young people can handle a large amount of digital information at the same time, but the constant change from shorts, stories and postings is further reducing their attention span. In order to gain their interest and convince them of the advantages of vocational training, creative ideas are needed that arouse real emotions in young people.

2. Digitization creates increasing distance

Digitization is constantly producing new technical refinements and processes. As a result, the young people are extremely well versed in the use of digital solutions, but interpersonal interactions are increasingly suffering as a result. Therefore, companies that really want to get to know young people in terms of their soft skills, such as ambition and motivation, should rely on creative concepts.

3. Increasing disorientation

In addition, there is an increasing disorientation of prospective trainees in today’s job market. They are overwhelmed by a wealth of possible career opportunities and do not know what to decide: will it be school training, practical work in the company or perhaps a degree? Any training company that offers opportunities for professional orientation is much more likely to be remembered by students as a serious alternative.

4. The change into working life creates uncertainty

Companies should also be aware that the transition from school to the economy marks the end of a whole phase of young people’s lives. After all, they have to leave their sheltered environment, which has surrounded and shaped them for ten years – this can cause uncertainty among many prospective trainees. Therefore, the companies should welcome them with an offer that is as low-threshold as possible. With creative introductory games, the companies can show the young people that there are only people waiting on the other side who will give them a chance and support them on their way into life as adult employees.

5. Overcome generational boundaries

Finally, companies should not forget that trainers and applicants are usually separated by at least one or two generations. Both sides therefore often do not know exactly how to deal with each other and sometimes have corresponding prejudices. A creative and playful environment can provide a clear relief here: Those who are active and creative are in the here and now and discard their usual behavioral patterns.

In a game familiar to young people, such as table football, you are real and can show yourself how you really are. Consequently, where one can be who one is, one is also more willing to trust one another and to establish a connection with one another. In this way, the hurdles of the generation difference can be overcome and the new phase of life from school to business can be easily initiated. Ultimately, this process of getting to know each other is much more valuable than sophisticated advertising campaigns or benefits such as a high apprenticeship salary – with creative application processes, companies can therefore reach young people again and inspire them to do an apprenticeship in their own company.

Would you like to find out more about the career kick, inspire the younger generation to work in your company and are you ready to focus on innovative career formats? Sign up now Johannes Kirsch and make an appointment!

Press contact:

Kivent GmbH
Josef-Orlopp-Strasse 56
10365 Berlin

Represented by: Johannes Kirsch

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer

Original content from: Kivent GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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