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Jorge Rial suffered a cardiac decompensation in Colombia and had to be hospitalized

Jorge Rial (Gustavo Gavotti)

Jorge Rial he suffered a cardiac decompensation during his vacations in Colombia and had to be hospitalized. The driver from Argenzuela is 61 years old and already had some coronary problems for which two stents had to be placed.

The person who broke the news was the journalist Ángel De Brito through his Twitter account. The LAM driver reported that the journalist was hospitalized for a critical condition and that his daughters Morena and Rocío traveled urgently to Bogotá to accompany his father. sources close to teleshow They assured that Rial was hospitalized and stable in a hospital in the coffee country.

In July 2010 Jorge Rial had had a stent placed to prop up his arteries due to a picture he had had of arterial hypertension. At that time, he said that he fell asleep while doing his radio programs, so the doctor urgently recommended that he consult a specialist.

“They couldn’t wake me up to do the studies. It never happened to me like that. I saw giraffes and elephants and I thought that I had died. I saw animals because they had taken me out urgently and I was in pediatrics, ”she explained during her visit to PH, can we talk?. ”I thought I was dying. It was stress. The blood was not coming to my head well.

In October 2020, at the end of a broadcast of his classic program Intruders, the journalist felt severe chest pain that forced him to call an ambulance and visit his cardiologist. Days later, he spoke from his house and told that he had broken down during the last block of the program but that he made an effort to get to the end of the shipment.

“It was not pain but an emptiness in the chest. Those of us who have had a cardio accident know some symptoms such as elephant’s foot or particular pain in the head and neck, I did not feel that ”, he pointed out regarding his symptoms. After an ambulance arrived, they gave him an electro in the channel’s dressing room and the doctor, although he saw it well, was left with doubts.

Given the recommendation to attend a guard, he and his wife Romina Pereiro decided that it would be best to speak directly with his primary cardiologist who ordered a new electrocardiogram. And after considering the possibility of placing a pacemaker, they came to the conclusion that it was not necessary.

News in development

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