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Jorge Sampaoli could leave Flamengo after physical trainer assaulted striker Pedro

Jorge Sampaoli could leave Flamengo after physical trainer assaulted striker Pedro

The future of Argentine Jorge Sampaoli at Flamengo is in doubt. After the Brazilian press confirmed that physical trainer Pablo Hernández attacked forward Pedro, the locker room closed ranks and wants the Argentine strategist to leave.

An argument between Hernández and the star of the Brazilian team ended with an alleged punch to the face in the early hours of this Sunday in the locker room of the Independencia stadium in Belo Horizonte.

It was Pedro himself who denounced the event through his social networks in what was the straw that broke the camel’s back in the situation of the striker, who has not been able to watch the full 90 minutes since the Argentine coach arrived at the club.

“I could be talking about the few minutes received in the last games, but what happened today was more serious than what can happen within the four lines (…) The physical cowardice overcame the psychological cowardice that I have suffered in recent weeks. Someone who believes they have the right to attack another does not deserve anyone’s respect. I’ve already been through many provocations at Flamengo but nothing compared to the cowardice suffered today,” said the striker in a post on Instagram.

Although the club has not ruled on the event, according to the Rio de Janeiro press, the Flamengo leaders are waiting for the disclosure of the complaint that Pedro filed before a Civil Police station to announce whether they fire Hernández.

But with the physical trainer, Sampaoli could also leave, who took over as technical director of Flamengo a few weeks ago. The locker room was also divided since several of Pedro’s colleagues spoke publicly in support of

The attack occurred at the end of the game on Saturday night in which Flamengo won 1-2 against Atlético Mineiro for the seventeenth round of the Brazilian Championship and rose to second place in the League table.

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