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Juan Grabois: “With Milei, Argentina will resemble Venezuela and with me, Norway”

The leader of the Frente Patria Grande insists on his presidential candidacy and concentrates on his campaign. Hard definitions against Sergio Massa

By iProfessional

25/04/2023 – 09,26hs

After the announcement that Alberto Fernandez confirmed that he will not go for the re-electionthe social leader Juan Grabois He was the first of the members of the Frente de Todos to launch his presidential candidacy, with the brand Juan XXIII.

While those closest to Cristina Kirchner insist on their eventual candidacy, the MTE referent considered that “she said it won’t beI heard her say that and I have no reason not to believe her. Until further notice I have to think that she is not going to appear, “she assured.

“It would be a crime for the national and popular movement, which has to represent the workers and the humble, which let’s end with a candidacy from someone who comes from Ucedé, like Sergio Massa. Someone who went through all the political parties, what a change of identity, from the most rabid anti-Kirchnerism to Kirchnerism now,” Grabois told TN.

He proposes to confront, in the primary elections, “the conservative options of the Frente de Todos.” In that list he also adds Daniel Scioli. Before that instance, he wants to sign “a programmatic agreement” to ensure that his ideas and slogans are part of the Peronist platform. “If they don’t assure us of that, we’re not going to give them the votes,” he says.

If they don’t allow us to play that internal one, we’re going to go outside. We are not going to allow, in any way, that our militancy has no other electoral option than Sergio Massa or Daniel Scioli”, he stated.

Grabois, tough against Milei

As one of the axes of his presentation, Grabois adopted a term that, in recent years, Javier Milei installed.

Grabois, against Milei: “Their arming in the provinces is made with the caste”

“It is true that there is caste. My candidacy also has to do with that, with a generational issue“, he added. He assured, at the same time, that the libertarian economist “is not consistent with that discourse.”

“Its assembly in the provinces is made with the caste. Bullrich is also chaste. I’m the only one who doesn’t have a position in the state,” he added.

Grabois is financing his campaign “to the cap” and defines himself as a “Christian and humanist” and considers that these aspects are what most differentiate him from the reference of La Libertad Avanza: “I don’t want to put a bomb in any bank and I don’t think you have to sell organs. Inhumane issues arise from those thoughts,” he said.

However, he acknowledged that Milei knew how to capture “the anger and weariness that society feels today“He is someone fresher than Macri or Bullrich with ideas that seem magical although they are not going to work or cannot be applied directly,” he said. And he closed: “With Milei we will have an Argentina similar to Venezuela, with me, on the other hand, a country more similar to Norway”.

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