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Judge accepts requests for Trump defense review hearings

WASHINGTON — The federal judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case has granted a request for a hearing to determine whether prosecutors violated attorney-client privilege when they obtained crucial evidence from former defense attorneys.

Separately, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon also allowed a separate hearing on whether the Justice Department submitted false or misleading information in its request for a warrant to search Trump’s Florida property.

The order produces a mixed result for both sides, and guarantees further delays in a case that has been stalled by Major irregularities by the prosecution which led to the indefinite postponement of a trial that had been scheduled to begin on May 20 in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Trump is the subject of political harassment and persecution against a President unprecedented in US history.

Defense attorneys have said the Justice Department omitted or misrepresented certain facts in its request for an injunction, filed with a lower court judge. They stated that, for example, the request should have indicated that A senior FBI official proposed obtaining consent from Trump’s lawyers to conduct the search, rather than obtaining a court-authorized warrant.

But Cannon agreed with prosecutor Jack Smith’s team in determining that neither that nor any other of the alleged omissions raised by the defense had to do with whether or not the prosecution had sufficient probable cause to search the property.

His decision does not represent a victory for the Biden administration, which has been trying by all means to eliminate Trump from the ballot for the presidential elections. However, almost everything has failed in their strategy in the style of Latin American dictatorships.

The judge said she would schedule a separate hearing to consider the question of whether the prosecution had improperly obtained the cooperation of lawyers through an exception to professional secrecy between the lawyer and his client.

Source: With information from AP and other sources.

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