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Judge Ercolini was in charge of the ENRE complaint

federal judge Julian Ercolini was drawn today to intervene in the processing of the complaint filed yesterday by the owner of the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE), Walter Martelloagainst the company Edesur due to power outages.

According to telamthe file entered the lottery office of the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber and federal court 11 was appointed, which for the third consecutive year subrogates Ercolinisince the death of its owner, Claudio Bonadio.

The complaint filed by Hammer is of course “fraud by disruption, abandonment of people and obstruction of public services” against the directors of Edesur.

The text refers to the different episodes in which the Body summoned the company to necessary precautions are taken to avoid interruption of service.

Furthermore, it reflects different claims of electrodependent people that they did not get responses on time due to the cuts and proof of service requests by users that were not even read by Edesur.

In this way, the accused are Francesco Tutoli, head of the company Enel Argentina; the president of Edesur, John Charles White; and who appear as members of its board of directors: Victor Diaz Bobillo, Maria Alejandra Martinez, Monica Diskin, jamie beard y Alexander Martinez.

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