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Judge orders the prosecution to deliver evidence to the defense of the boy who allegedly murdered his mother

They ask to investigate the head of the electoral court of Guatemala for obstructing justice

MIAMI.- The defense attorneys of Derek Rosa, the Hialeah teenager who allegedly murdered his mother, requested the complete video from the surveillance camera that recorded the crime, the accused’s cell phone and other evidence in the case.

The defense request took place at the hearing on March 3 in the Miami-Dade court, which the alleged murderer did not attend. In addition, they requested from the prosecution the personal items confiscated from Derek Rosa, including an iPad, the clothing he was wearing during the crime and the murder weapon.

Judge Richard Hersch ordered the prosecutor’s representative to hand over all evidence and unedited videos to the defense. “You guys have had that stuff for six months.”

According to the prosecution, the alleged murderer’s phone had recently been returned by the laboratory’s secret service.

Rosa, 13, is accused of murdering his mother, Irina García, stabbing her 46 times on the night of October 12, while she was sleeping in a room in her apartment in Amelia Oaks, Hialeah.

This horrendous crime was carried out in front of the victim’s youngest daughter, just 14 days old, who fortunately did not suffer any physical harm.

The accused himself called 911 and in the conversation with the operator admitted the crime. After his arrest, in the first interrogation with the detectives, the young man confessed to the crime again and indicated that in addition to talking to 911, he had called an internet gaming friend, nicknamed Sweden, to whom he confessed the murder and He sent two photos of his mother’s body. However, at the hearing, Rosa pleaded not guilty.

Derek’s stepfather and the girl’s father is a truck driver and on the day of the incident he was on the road working.

The amazing thing about this horrifying case is that, despite the evidence, both the suspect’s grandmother, Isabel Acosta, and Father José Rosa, consider that the young man is incapable of having committed the crime and request that he be transferred to a rehabilitation center. minors. The aforementioned relatives are not the only ones, since on the day of the hearing a group of people could be seen showing support for the alleged parricide.

At the end of last year, the prosecution made public the audio in which the teenager admitted to having committed the murder of his own mother without an apparent cause.

Derek remains awaiting trial at Metro West, Miami-Dade County’s adult detention center in Doral, where he is isolated and under 24-hour surveillance.

If Derek, who faces a first-degree murder charge, is tried as an adult and found guilty, he could be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty.

For now, the judge set the next hearing in the case for April 19.

(email protected)

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