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Judgment of rugby players: "We do not want Justice with privileges"said the mother of Báez Sosa

“My son is locked in a coffin and that is as if he were a life sentence,” added María Graciela Sosa, mother of the 18-year-old, after asking for the maximum sentence for the eight defendants.

“I hope to be strong. I want justice for Fernando,” the woman told Télam, who along with her husband, Silvino Báez, walked into the Dolores Courts, where the first hearing for the crime of her son will take place.

“Our life is an ordeal. Getting up and not being with Fer is no longer life,” assured María Graciela, while maintaining that she waited three years for the moment to be in front of those accused of the murder of her son and that she wants to know “for what they did.”

“I would like to know why they did it. I only know that my heart is broken, it is like a bleeding wound that has no cure. I wish I could calm this great pain that we have,” he said.

When asked if she expects the defendants to apologize, she was blunt: “I don’t think they will, they are very cowardly, like when they attacked my son. I don’t need them to ask me.”

For his part, Silvino said that they are not going to speak to the defendants, since “for that, there is justice” and announced that they will try to be present during all the hearings of the oral debate, if their health allows them.

“Let’s hope that justice gives them what they deserve, which is life imprisonment, and that they serve as they should. Not that they have good behavior and within a year they give them privileges. My son needs justice to be able to rest and that we have a little peace in our soul. We want perpetual, “Fernando’s mother closed.

María Graciela and Silvino walked together the 200 meters from the hotel where they are staying to the Hearing Management office, at the headquarters of the Judiciary in Dolores, where they were notified as witnesses in the trial, as both will testify today. Minutes Later, Fernando’s parents moved to the Appeals Chamber, where the oral trial will take place.

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