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Julian Sand’s brother fears the worst

Julian Sands (65), known for films such as “A room with a view” and “Warlock”, has been missing for almost two weeks.

It was his wife who reported him missing after a mountain trip in Mount Baldy in California, reports Reuters.

There have been harsh weather conditions in the area and the police have previously reported that this has affected the search. At times, high winds have prevented the use of a helicopter.

Man found in the area

The night before Wednesday tweeted police in San Bernardino that another missing man, Jin Chung, 75, was found in the area.

He was injured in the leg and showed signs of having been outside, but was able to walk with a little help. Chung was sent to hospital for treatment.

The sheriff’s office writes that they will continue the search for the actor, weather conditions permitting:

“A number of searches on the ground and in the air have been carried out. Until now, Sands has not been found and no evidence of his current location has been discovered.”

A stock photo of a snow-capped Mount Baldy, which is the highest point among the mountains. The mountain is 3,068 meters above sea level. Photo: Richard Vogel/AP

The sheriff’s office strongly recommends that people avoid traveling in the mountain area, where they remind of the danger of avalanches. From 2017 to 2022, search and rescue teams have carried out 233 missions on Mount Baldy, where eight have died, according to a press release.

Fearing the worst

Brother Nick Sands speaks the newspaper Craven Herald & Pioneer that he feels his brother is gone.

“He has not been presumed dead, but I know in my heart that he is gone.”

The brother adds that he hopes the 65-year-old will show up and prove him wrong.

On Monday, Sand’s family sent a joint statement via the police, thanking them for the efforts that have been made in the search for the actor:

“We are deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support,” the family says, listing the police and organizations that have contributed.

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