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Juliana Oxenford ‘pulls out her claws’ for her husband: “Mess with me, I’m here” | VIDEO

HE TAKEN OUT THE CLAWS. She came out in defense of her husband, after receiving criticism on social networks. The journalist responded to a comment from congresswoman Tania Ramírez and took the opportunity to answer the people who questioned her husband, the filmmaker Milovan Radovic.

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“My husband can work wherever he wants, he doesn’t work for the state. Reactiva was a support that the government gave to a lot of companies that did not owe Sunat, that have not been visited by Sunafil, that have no problems with their workers. If my husband is a businessman, why can’t he access? Is he not a citizen like any other?”it started.

TROME | Juliana Oxenford defends her husband (ATV News)

“The best advertising campaigns to promote tourism are always tendered with a lot of filmmaking companies and my husband is a filmmaker and he is the one who has made the fewest commercials, I think one or two… My husband is not hired because he is my husband , they surely know that if he is my husband, they will not hire him ”, added Juliana.

Juliana Oxenford she addressed ‘everyone who has dared to insult her husband’ “Mess with me, here I am, with this chest of a cat, sticking out my claws when it comes to the people I love the most”he added.

Juliana Oxenford responds to Tania Ramírez

Juliana Oxenford made this defense of her husband, in the middle of her response to Tania Ramírez, who mentioned her with a photograph in one of her comments on Twitter.

The journalist recalled the robbery complaint that the Fujimorista congresswoman has and invited her to an interview in ATV Juliana Style NewsTrue to his style. “I’ll wait for you Tania Ramírez next week, give it a date and time”he stated.

Juliana Oxenford sends a message to congressmen for a buffet of 80 soles

“The day they have to attend posts and hospitals, that day they will make the changes so that health is dignified for all Peruvians, meanwhile they continue to choke on their 80-sole buffets,” manifested Juliana oxenford, when commenting that parliamentarians have private insurance, which they do not pay with their salary.

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