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Juric: “It’s going well for Ilic. Lukic? Let’s see what he decides.”

The words of Ivan Juric in the press conference on the eve of tomorrow afternoon’s Empoli-Turin match at the Castellani

The Empoli-Turin match is just a few hours away and as usual the grenade coach, Ivan Juric, presents the match in the press conference. The Croatian coach said: “Schuurs has been doing all week with us, he will be there tomorrow. Lukic will be called up, he did the two days of training with us and I’ll take him to the bench. Djidji will not be there due to the fracture which was not trivial at all, the negative note however is Zima who took a blow to his knee. We hope to be able to recover him for the Coppa Italia match Tomorrow Zima will miss the match for sure, someone will have to adapt to play on the right, I’m sorry because I wanted to give him space”.

On the chances of qualifying for a European Cup

“We don’t look to Europe, we are not built to go to Europe. Then we don’t give up on anything but we don’t have this obsession. Then when things are done differently, I will say that the goal is Europe. We are aware that we can go to San Siro to do great things but also that if we are not 100% we will lose against Spezia. We don’t give up on anything but without obsessions, we go on our way trying to do our best”.

On training choices

“I’m very happy with how Seck and Adopo played in Florence, I want to make the most of the squad. Everyone has played in the last few games, I want to continue trying to take advantage of everyone as I see them fresh and eager.”

On the market

“When the market is over, I’ll talk, there are still 4 or 5 days, then we’ll sum up, see what has been done and what will be done”.

About Lukic

“For me Sasa is a very strong player because he knows how to combine the two phases. Then there are certain dynamics… in all difficulties there are difficulties with renewals. Now we will see how things develop. To return to the discourse of Europe, one must have a hard core to keep to which some elements can then be added. We’re not at that level yet.”

On the Adopo hypothesis in defense

“After in defense? I tried it in midfield, third right back I haven’t tried it these days. In Monza he had played defense but we played differently, he can still be an option in the running.”

About Ilic

“Ilic? We can’t talk about him yet, he’s not from Turin but it seems to me that things are going in the right direction. Then we see”.

On Empoli

“At Empoli they are very good at what they do, they have shown it over the years. It’s interesting that they always play with the same form and give confidence to the young players. They play well, they have several young players but also older players who help them. Zanetti is doing well, in Venice he had found some difficulties instead in Empoli he found a simpler environment. But he is good. But due to its history, Torino cannot do as Empoli does”.

“It would be serious if we were already thinking about the Coppa Italia, we only have to think about tomorrow. The first leg still burns me for those two lost points, we conceded a bicycle kick and created a lot”.

Still on Lukic’s future

“I would like Sasa all my life here, but there are other dynamics. If someone like Ilic were to leave and arrive it would be a bit like what happened in the summer with Bremer and Schuurs, one leaves and a younger one arrives who is more or less on that level. Let’s see what Lukic wants to do. If Sasa leaves, do you need someone else? But in case we’ll see, we’ll make do. Then maybe he plays Aafter he was at Viterbese last year, sometimes it’s better to have guys like that who give you everything”.

On Seck

“In matches like the one against Fiorentina who play high, Seck can show his characteristics to the fullest, when instead he finds in tighter spaces he can have more difficulties. He is a boy who still needs to improve a lot ”.

About Pellegri

“Pellegri slowed down his recovery a bit, it will still take some time to get him back and I’m sorry for that. Because of these stops he is unable to grow and complete himself. I hope by the end of next week he can be with us”.


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