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Just before New Year’s Eve: Avatar 2 dethrones the Minions and is crowned the winner at the box office

That Cinema year 2022 is over and should bring some relief within the industry. While this is by no means a record year, two insights from the past 12 months will provide cautious optimism. First: The corona pandemic has apparently survived in Germany. At least in terms of cinema. Despite high numbers, some autumn waves and new virus variants, no restrictions were imposed on the operators of cinemas by politicians by the end of the year. It is therefore to be hoped that a Mask duty in the hall and reduced viewer contingents are finally a thing of the past for the time being. As sensible, scientifically proven and tragically necessary as the measures to combat the corona pandemic were, they had a devastating effect on the cinema business.

Secondly: The experience of watching a film together with countless strangers in a darkened room on a big screen to see and for entrance fees Paying apparently also works in times of Netflix, Disney Plus and Co. However, cinema has long since ceased to be a sure-fire success. If you want to lure the masses into the cinemas, you have to come up with something.

Avatar – The Way of Water attracts the crowds to the cinemas

In Germany, many people rarely go to the cinema, if at all. If these people end up in a film on the big screen, then they have to deliver. At least visually, that seems to be the case with the sequel to the highest-grossing film of all time. Avatar-The Way of Water takes the cinema experience to a new level thanks to its visual impact and should therefore “Casual Looker” cause them to visit a movie palace more often in the future.

A similar phenomenon was already observed in the spring and summer of this year. Top: Gun: Maverick Thanks to brilliantly staged jet fighter action, offered an audiovisual experience that can only be found in this form in the movie theater is possible. No home projector can keep up with that. If word of this positive experience then gets around in the circle of acquaintances, cinemas can look forward to numerous additional visitors who ensure urgently needed sales at the ticket counters and popcorn counters.

Avatar – The Way of Water conquers the top of the annual charts shortly before New Year’s Eve

The Minions – In search of the mini boss was the only film of the year to do more than 4 million viewers lure to the cinemas. The animation adventure from Illumination (The Super Mario Bros. film) was enthroned at number 1 in the German annual charts. On the penultimate day of the year, however, moved Avatar-The Way of Water past the babbling, yellow smooch balls.

James Cameron’s new blockbuster also broke the magic mark of 4 million viewers. Since cinema tickets for extra-long performances and additional technical features such as HFR, HDR and 3D tend to cost significantly more than a 90-minute family film avatar 2 even better in terms of sales. Whether the blockbuster will recoup its immense production costs despite all its success remains to be seen.

Source: Inside cinema

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