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Just like in Denmark: Health took 97% of the money away from childhood cancer at INSABI

In the midst of the noise of the daily news, of the statements into the microphone or of the comparisons with Denmarkit’s complicated keep track of the budget in Mexico. However, a recent study has verified massive cuts that exist in the INSANE —attacking more those known as “catastrophic diseases”.

One of the most worrying points, found by eThis study by the organization México Evalúais the reduction of 97% in the budget to deal with cases of child cancer.

Relatives of childhood cancer patients protest the lack of medicines // Photo: Cuartoscuro

How serious is this cut? Well imagine that he Government invested only 15 million pesos throughout the year of 2021 for the cases of childhood cancer at INSABI. This, of course, has not been the only disease that has been hit by budget cuts.

Health removes money for diseases in INSABI

The study of Mexico Evaluates explains that these massive cuts They are present in a hidden place in the bureaucratic guts of Mexico: it is called Health Fund for Welfare o FONSABI.

He FONSABIto make it short, would take care of give budget to INSABI for infrastructure or to maintain the supply of medicines. Another of his functions, perhaps the most important or well-known, was to financial the cases of patients with catastrophic illnesses.

During the last year or the first months of 2022Health expenditures —for these specific diseases— they left practically to the floor.

Compared to average spending for these catastrophic events in prior years —including the past six-year term, when the Fund had another name—he childhood cancer receives 97% fewer resources. in the whole year 2021 received 15 million pesos… for the whole country! For all the cases you attend to!

Mexico Evaluates and its analysis on spending in FONSABI

Although of course, it is not even close to the only cut. Other diseases, such as breast cancerlos neonatal care or the congenital childhood disorders have also lost more than 90%.

The study of Mexico Evaluates explains that, because of these cuts in the Fund, people will spend more on their own suffering. “People without formal social security would have to face greater catastrophic expenses on their own”they point out. “And let’s not forget: in the context of the pandemic”.

In fact, things are complicated because the people who had INSANE were the most affected: compared to any other health institution, those who had to be cared for in this organization were the ones who more had unexpected expensesthat they took away the 30% of your income.

Where did this money that was for childhood cancer or other diseases end up?

Here comes something extremely worrying. The study of Mexico Evaluates explain what the FONSABI money was converted into a government checking account. “It abandoned its purpose of financing the treatment of high-cost diseases and infrastructure”they point out. “In exchange, it has acquired a new function: that of simulating sub-exercise and serving as a petty cash for the Government”.

In these financial moves, of the FONSABI they have left 6 billion pesos more than those who enter.

AMLO on a tour of the IMSS Bienestar, formerly INSABI in 2023 // Photo: Cuartoscuro

Why should you care? Well Mexico Evaluates account that the FONSABI It is a peculiar instrument that can return money to the Treasury, saying that it is “spent” on Health… but it can be redirected to any space they want. See how the specialists explain it:

Current accounting, coupled with the lack of transparency that characterizes trusts in Mexico, allows a scheme through which the Government ‘passes’ money to Fonsabi from the Federation Treasury that is accounted for as health spending, although we do not know for sure what it is spent on or if it is even spent.

Additionally, Fonsabi has a peculiarity: it is allowed to return resources to Tesofe, with which it has the possibility of redirecting spending supposedly destined for health towards other purposes –such as emblematic infrastructure works– without being able to track the resources.

If you want to read more about the FONSABI you can enter THIS EXPLANATION de México Evaluate or if you want to know about its tremendous cuts in diseases like childhood cancercan REVIEW IT HERE.

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