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JxC closed ranks and ratified its rejection of the political trial against the Court

the national table of jxc, determined to work the offensive against the court / archive

With the presence of Mauricio Macri (who preferred silence), Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich and María Eugenia Vidal, among other important leaders of the Pro, the UCR and the Civic Coalition (CC), the National Board of Together for Change (JxC) met yesterday to advance in the rejection of the political trial promoted by the president, Alberto Fernández, and a group of PJ governors against the Supreme Court of Justice. Something that -in a consensual statement after the conclave that took place virtually-, the opposition coalition described as “of an inadmissible institutional gravity”, for which it confirmed that it will not contribute to the quorum in the Congressional Impeachment Commission.

There, the Frente de Todos has 16 members, enough to enable the offensive against Horacio Rosatti and the rest of the Court. Meanwhile, JxC has 14 members. Deputy number 15 is Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez, from the Federal interblock and who also opposes the Kirchner initiative.

At yesterday’s opposition summit it was resolved that “once the ruling party manages to form a quorum to be able to treat (the project), the JxC interblock will be present and will face the debate. In no way are we going to leave Parliament empty.”

That is to say, they will only sit down once the official deputies manage to enable the meeting. Once there, they will give the discussion and reject the attack of the Government against the high court of Justice. They will argue for that that there was a ruling by the Court (the one that restores the co-participation funds to the city of Buenos Aires) and that the Executive does not abide by it.

In addition, Together for Change will block any other law that comes from the bowels of the Executive: “As long as this outrage against the Court continues, we are not going to provide a quorum and make any project promoted by the Government or the Frente de Todos viable.” That will force the ruling party to gather the necessary number to be able to meet and approve each regulation.

This was agreed by JxC in the match in which Cristian Ritondo and Humberto Schiavoni also participated, for the Pro; Gerardo Morales, Alfredo Cornejo, Rodolfo Suárez, Luis Naidenoff, Martín Lousteau and Mario Negri, from the UCR; Maxi Ferraro, Juan López and Maricel Etchecoin, from the CC; Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Ramón Puerta, from Encuentro Republicano (ER); Margarita Stolbizer, from the GEN; the national deputy Alberto Asseff, the former Buenos Aires legislator Sergio Abrevaya; and the coordinating leaders of the Roundtable, Jorge Triaca (PRO), Andres De Leo (CC), Ramón Mestre (UCR) and Jorge Franco (ER).

In addition to closing ranks in the face of the advance of Kirchnerism against Justice, they repudiated what they defined as the “shameful statements by Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero”, who interpreted the attempted coup in Brazil as the result of “the anti-democratic right that is represented in Argentina by Macri”.

The opposition text also expressed its “strong rejection of illegal espionage”, thus referring -although without mentioning it- to the leak of chats between the Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Security (on leave) Marcelo D’Alessandro and judges, businessmen, contractors porteños and judicial operators. An episode that, precisely, led to the request for prosecution against the members of the Court.

“We want to discuss the issues that matter to society. We are preparing to take charge of the serious situation as of December 10, 2023″, closed the JxC statement, which in yesterday’s Zoom dedicated little time to the electoral tussle, but when it did it fueled tensions between the UCR and the Pro when addressing the armed forces of provinces such as Mendoza and Neuquén.

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