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Karol G sends a powerful message of self-love after a fan criticized his physique

On January 31, Karol G shared a series of photos on her Instagram to promote the topicX If we come back,in collaboration with Romeo Santos, where we see her posing reclining on a bed wearing sexy clothes that reveal her curves.

Although the hot post already has more than three million likes and comments that flatter the work, beauty and sensuality of the Colombian, not everyone has been satisfied with the images, in particular a user who criticized the singer’s appearance, assuring that the photos did not favor her at all, to which Karol G responded politely but sharply, emphasizing self-respect.

Through a story published on his profile of said social network, Karol G issued the response to this fan after his words seemed offensive to him because he was not satisfied with the session that shows the “Bichota” as it is.

Those photos were made by his worst enemy, it doesn’t favor him at all, he has a tummy and now, it’s not that I like them, well, it’s my humble opinion.

Her “humble opinion” was not to the liking of the singer, who, in her message, assured that the session was carried out by an expert photographer. In addition, she stressed that her body is beautiful just the way she is.

The photos were not taken by my worst enemy, they were taken by one of the best photographers I’ve ever met and I still can’t believe we took photos together, it’s not about whether or not my body favors me because it’s my body and so on. it is… so why look for it to look different if it is so.

In addition to this, Karol resumed the recent affair he had with afanto which after leaving the festival where she had just performed, she gave her a hot dog, saying that possibly that is why she looked like that in the photos. In addition, she added that she has been training regularly and that it is very likely that when she lowers her exercise intensity, she will gain a few pounds, which she considers normal.

Finally, in his message, Karol G invited his fans to reflect on those things that are really important and not worry about trivialities, advising them to love each other very much.

There are people who are really experiencing difficult things and going through real needs to worry about cellulite, a wrinkle or a normal chubby… Love each other a lot, then.

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