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Kat transforms into Diane, the sin of envy from Seven Deadly Sins

There is a popular anime that has earned a special place among its fans, and when we combine it with cosplay, the result is simply unmissable, taking it to a whole new level, since when its characters come to life, we fall in love with their charming cosplay versions.

She is cat, better known to many as cosplaykat, a beautiful American model and cosplayer who has caught our attention for her style and impact in each of her cosplay versions. You can find her on her official Instagram as @cosplaykatx, where she has over 62,000 followers, as well as a lovely gallery.

The mission of the cosplay is to get out of the screen and this time, we believe that the girl is very close, since the anime Nanatsu no Taizaibetter known around these parts as seven deadly sinsa story with great adventures and intense battles, where we met Diane, one of the protagonists of the anime series, also known as Diannu or Diana in some parts of Latin America.

Dianeis a girl with a sweet and adorable appearance who has unique purple eyes and long brown hair, which she always wears attached with two tender ponytails on the sides, looking like a sweet maiden that anyone could fall in love with, with the curious peculiarity: she is a giant who has won the hearts of fans.

This girl represents the sin of envy and is marked on one leg with a large snake, her main attack is with a huge Gideon war hammer, her best company all the time in the anime.

We constantly watch her feel jealous and envy, which are a prominent part of her personality, but even so, she is still sweet, kind and friendly with her peers. Despite being very confident and having a great courageous spirit, one of her greatest desires is to be a small and normal person, but that does not detract from her role as a defender of all, being an important element in the equipment.

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