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Katopodis: “The main task of the FdT is to bring one of every three votes that Milei has”

The Minister of Public Works of the Nation, Gabriel Katopodis, affirmed that the main task What the Frente de Todos has is to capture “one out of every three votes” that, in his opinion, the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, has.

For the official, it is not clear that the young people are on the side of the libertarian: “I distinguish the voters, who have anger, from the character and the blackmail of certain candidates and old recipes. I also want to see what happens with the young people in the elections of May, where they vote in 6 or 7 provinces”.

According to Katopodis, in the Neuquén and Río Negro provincial elections, the reason that mobilized the voters and targeted the libertarians was not clear: “When you look at them and pass them the scanner, they are supported and financed by the worst of the system and the economic concentration of Argentina. I want to give that discussion.”

In this line, the head of the portfolio, close to Alberto Fernández, assured: “I do believe that, of every three votes that Milei has today, because she has them, we have to bring one to our side. That is the main task that has the Front of All”.

Last week, Vice President Cristina Kirchner brought the deputy who aspires to reach the Casa Rosada into the ring with a speech against the political class: “The jerks who say that the caste is afraid. Where are we afraid of you? If it never happened to you nothing, cheek.”

Milei’s dollarization plan

The presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, has dollarization as one of his main proposals for the next elections and now stressed that if he carried out this process at this time, I would take the foreign currency at $480. In addition, he also suggested that it will take US$30,000 million to go in that direction, when he disembarks at the Casa Rosada if the Argentines vote for him. And despite the high amount required since the country has complications to access credit, he was convinced that he will get it.

“The dollar is going to be at the market price. With the mechanism that I am saying, at $480, which is what the average is counted with liquidation, which is the parallel market price, can be dollarized. Today”, emphasized the national deputy in statements to TN.

He also explained that his intention is actually to apply a coin competition system and that, for a historical account of the behavior in the country, the Argentines will go to the dollar. “Therefore, we are going to liquidate the Central Bank in dollars. It is a lie that we remain tied to the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve because I can change the currency, because it is a system of competition”, he highlighted.

Mieli remarked that in the country there are 17 trillion pesos between the monetary base and the Lelics, saying that if you take an average dollar at $500, less than $30 billion will need to be “rescued.” “Cleaning the balance of the Central Bank costs that. If I look at the net international reserves, which according to the last balance of the Central Bank are three billion dollars, I have to get US$30,000 million to rescue that,” he calculated and expressed that this amount it represents only “a currency” for the international market.

Dollarization: despite the criticism, Milei remains firm with her position

He also stated that the main creditor of the monetary entity is the national State, which owes it US$75,000 million, which is included in the balance sheet of the Central Bank. Certain that he can achieve a 50% return on Argentine bonds, Milei then continued: “You already have US$25,000 million in the Central Bank, plus the three thousand, you have US$28,000 million. You don’t lack that much money. Besides You can put those instruments in a trust.”

Also firm in that the liquidation of the debt will give the State a better solvency profile, he went against his colleagues in Congress, a place he called “the rabbit hole.” On that, he indicated: “We are going to make an extreme example. A bomb falls on the assets of the Central Bank and I have nothing. Do you know how much was the deficit that sanctioned the budget hole where I work and that we are not complying with it? US$30,000 million. If a deficit of US$30,000 million was voted, why are they willing to continue financing the fiscal joke that increases the debt and not take a debt to cancel debt and put an end to the inflation problem of Argentines?

Dollarization: despite the criticism, Milei remains firm with her position

Meanwhile, he said that the agreements to obtain financing have already advanced and he listed the steps he will follow if his project of free competition of currencies – which would end in dollarization – is rejected in the Legislative power. He commented on that that he will first send the initiative to Congress and that, if he does not get the adhesions, he will ask for a referendum. In the event that this is also denied, he announced that he will go for a popular consultation, understanding that if the people voted for him, it is because he wants them to apply that plan. In the meantime, as he stated, he will apply the “chainsaw plan” to cut public spending and generate monetary contraction.

“I know what to do, how to do it; I tell it publicly. I have the courage to do it, which the other cowards don’t. So, I’m going to carry it out,” he said hopefully.

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