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Keep an eye out: The great detail to be considered by Colo Colo in order not to register Emiliano Amor

Emiliano Amor’s injury may mean a drastic decision regarding his enrollment in the first semester. However, in Colo Colo they must pay attention to all the details.

© Guillermo SalazarEmiliano Amor and his injury worry all over Colo Colo

The situation of Emiliano Amor has all of Colo Colo upside down. His ankle injury is still unrecovered and he is expected to be away from the courts for many months. It is that the Argentine defender will undergo surgery and everything seems to indicate that he will travel to Europe to undergo said intervention.

Faced with such a scenario, Gustavo Quinteros requested a new center-back for his defense. According to the coach’s point of view, he needs experience in that area of ​​the field to face all the competitions of the year, so a new defender is necessary for a good performance at the international level. The problem, of course, is the quota for foreigners, since the last place will be occupied by the center forward, so It is not ruled out not registering Amor for the first semester.

The small great detail that Colo Colo has to consider

Although the possibility that Emiliano Amor is not registered is something that takes a lot of strength within the Cacique, there is a very important point to consider. The decision made about the player’s future cannot be agreed unilaterally. That is, the footballer has to agree in not being enlisted in the white campus and there, just, proceed with said action.

Another point that causes some doubts is whether the rule that allows replacing a team member due to a serious injury that disables them for the rest of the semester applies. However, despite the fact that one of the premises is met, which is the time off, the transfer market is still open, so that extra quota is not open to replace the footballer.

Who can replace Emiliano Amor?

Given this scenario, a new unknown appears in the pass market. If the instance is reached that Emi is left out for the first semester and is not registered, Colo Colo will be able to search abroad. The problem with that, as has been the trend in recent months, is the money that would have to be spent to sign someone with the characteristics of the former Vélez.

But the matter could be further complicated. Since, if the trans-Andean continues in the records of the squad for the first half of the year, the Cacique will be obliged to look for a Chilean soccer player and that he has not played minutes in the 2023 National Championship or one that plays outside of our country.

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