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Kicillof will not split the elections in the province of Buenos Aires

The elections Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (PASO) They are getting closer and closer Buenos Aires province the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof said the governor’s election will be the same day as the presidential one. The president’s statements came after a day of rumors on that point and in the midst of the controversy unleashed in CABA by the decision of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta to make them “concurrent”with a paper ballot for the presidency and by electronic vote and a single ballot for the Buenos Aires government headquarters.

“It is a spring of the Legislature and not of the Executive, therefore it will be so because there is a law in force”, said the president in relation to the fact that the elections of both ranks will be the same day. At that point, he remarked that the ruling party does not have a majority in the Buenos Aires Legislature, so if the intention were to modify the norm that adheres to the national Law, he would not be able to do so.

in dialogue with C5N, the governor did not rule on what he would do in case of having the possibility of modifying the law to unfold the elections. “I do not have the spring to decide and they are complex decisions when the total strategy is not defined,” the governor remarked.

The law that establishes the realization of PASO to which Kicillof refers establishes in its article 2 the following: “When the National Executive Power calls for national primary elections, for President and Vice and/or Parliamentarians of MERCOSUR and/or National and/or Conventional Constituent Deputies, the date of completion of the mandatory and simultaneous provincial Primary elections, will be held on the same day”. What reduces the possibilities of Kicillof in case of looking for the split.

Regarding the PASO, Kicillof assured that it is the president’s proposal Alberto Fernandez. “It was after the midterm election that the president said we are going to STEP and set that strategy. What the president set is STEP, there is no other strategy. We have not had space to define it ourselves; that meeting was in the PJ , it had been decided to call another one. There was a small discussion and there was no other call, “said the governor.

Likewise, the president warned that “the times that there was STEP in Peronism, it was not a good experience. Everything is never repeated. Obviously, if Alberto’s proposal is STEP and we do not have a strategy to discuss, we will go to STEP.”

in the concrete the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory (PASO) elections will be held on August 13 and the general elections on October 22. The dates were defined by Extraordinary Agreement No. 35, through which it was also confirmed that June 24 will be a key date since during that day the deadline for the presentation of lists of pre-candidates to the party electoral boards of each jurisdiction will expire. Before, on June 14, the deadline for the presentation of electoral alliances will expire.


In the next general elections, in addition to the president and vice president of the Nation, 130 national deputies (half of the Lower House) and 24 national senators (one third of the Upper House) will be elected.

Eight provinces in turn must renew their seats in the Senate: Buenos Aires, Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, La Rioja, San Luis, San Juan and Santa Cruz. In this way, 24 of the 72 seats in the Upper House will be elected.

Fifteen provinces have so far decided to split their local elections from the national elections. These are La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro, Misiones, Jujuy, La Rioja, San Juan, Salta, Tucumán, Tierra del Fuego, Mendoza, San Luis, Santa Fe, Chaco and Corrientes. as long as nine jurisdictions have not yet confirmed their electoral calendar: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Formosa, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Santa Cruz, Chubut and Santiago del Estero. Each of them will vote for deputies and senators of their corresponding legislatures, as well as municipal authorities.


  • April 16: Provincial elections in Neuquén and Río Negro

  • April 25: closure of provisional register

  • May 5: publication of the definitive register

  • May 7: general elections in Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones

  • May 14: general elections in La Pampa, San Juan. Tucuman and Salta

  • May 15: deadline to convene national PASO

  • June 11: STEP in Mendoza, general elections in San Luis and Corrientes

  • June 18: general elections in Córdoba (to be confirmed), Formosa (to be confirmed)

  • June 14: Registration deadline for party electoral alliances for national elections

  • June 24: deadline for submission of lists of pre-candidates and start of the national electoral campaign

  • July 9: start of broadcasting of advertisements in audiovisual media

  • July 16: STEP in Santa Fe

  • July 30: STEP in Entre Ríos

  • August 11: beginning of the electoral ban (8h)

  • August 13: National STEP, STEP in CABA, province of Buenos Aires and Catamarca (to be confirmed)

  • August 15: definitive scrutiny of the PASO

  • September 3: start of the national election campaign

  • September 10: general elections in Santa Fe

  • September 17: general elections in Chaco

  • September 24: general elections in Mendoza and Entre Ríos

  • October 8: First presidential debate

  • October 15: Second Presidential Debate

  • October 20: electoral ban (8h)

  • October 22: national general elections, general elections in CABA (to be confirmed), generals in Chaco, generals in Buenos Aires (to be confirmed), generals in Catamarca (to be confirmed) and generals in Santa Cruz (to be confirmed)

  • November 9: Third presidential debate (in case there is a ballotage)

  • November 19: Ballotage

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