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Kidnapping: 5 policemen are linked as alleged perpetrators and the commissioner is removed

Kidnapping: 5 policemen are linked as alleged perpetrators and the commissioner is removed

The agents belong to the Asunción Crime Investigation Department, whose head, Commissioner Hugo Díaz, was removed from office until the serious episode is clarified.

The case began when the young Edgar Ayala, was forced to go along with several men who broke into his home. After the disappearance of relatives was reported and the cameras reviewed, the investigation into the whereabouts and possible perpetrators of the crime began.

“The victim of the incident was alone in his home, and on the cameras several men were observed who were traveling in vehicles that got out and forced him to board one of the mobile phones,” Commissioner Rodolfo Sánchez explained to 1020 AM.

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For his part, prosecutor Federico Delfino confirmed that so far there are five police officers who are being investigated as allegedly responsible for the action, currently classified as kidnapping.

The first indications of the fact show that the case would be related to drug trafficking. And that both the victim and the police officers were allegedly involved in the distribution of drugs.

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The truck from which they forced the alleged victim to descend. Photo: Courtesy.

The entry Kidnapping: 5 policemen are linked as alleged perpetrators and the commissioner is removed was first published in Diario HOY.

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