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KiKA starts YouTube channel all about gaming challenges / fans make an “announcement!”

KiKA – The children’s channel ARD/ZDF

Erfurt (ots)

Gamers regularly put their skills to the test on the internet. But what if they suddenly have to play by the rules of their fans? With “Announcement!” (KiKA) young people are called upon to challenge their stars and really make them sweat in their favorite games. The first announcements are now available for retrieval. New videos will be published weekly on the “Ansage!” YouTube channel and on

That’s what it’s about:

Gunnar Krupp (“strg_f”/NDR) visits well-known streamers and faces very special challenges with them. Young gamers make a video of their role models announcement. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about photographing “Pokémon” in the shortest possible time, setting a best time in “Mario Kart” under difficult conditions or completing unusual tasks in “The Sims” – the young people demand all the skills of the gaming professionals . While the team of two tries to solve the task, the young gamers* comment on the attempted solution – and in the end, of course, on the result. Was the team strong enough to make the announcement?

Who is “Announcement!” for?:

“Announcement!” is a format for 10-13 year olds who love video games and are well versed in the gaming scene on YouTube and Twitch. The target group is socially active and closely networked with each other. At the same time, they also seek competition against each other in their favorite games. Whether during a break, in chat or on Discord – gaming is the topic that moves the target group and accompanies it everywhere.

“Announcement!” is a KiKA production and is being implemented by Rocket Beans Entertainment GmbH. The responsible editors are Ricarda Eggs, Grit Häfer, Kim Heinze and Silvia John. All content can also be accessed on and in the KiKA player.

More information about Format and to the KiKA offers for preteens can be found at

Press contact:

The children’s channel of ARD and ZDF
corporate communications
Gothaer Strasse 36
99094 Erfurt
Phone: +49 361.218-1827

Original content from: KiKA – The children’s channel ARD/ZDF, transmitted by news aktuell

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