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King Carlos III recognizes Benedict XVI

London England.- King Carlos III, head of the Anglican Church, praised this Saturday the “constant efforts” of the late emeritus Pope Benedict XVI for peace and rapprochement between Catholics and Protestants.

“Your Holiness, it is with deep sadness that I received the news of the death of your predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. I fondly remember my meeting with His Holiness during my visit to the Vatican in 2009. His visit to the UK in 2010 was important to me. strengthen relations between the Holy See and the United Kingdom.

“I also remember your constant efforts to promote peace and goodwill to all peoples, and to strengthen relations between the world Anglican Community and the Roman Catholic Church,” he declared in his official account.

Like several world leaders, Carlos III expressed his condolences to the Vatican.

Benedict XVI made a historic visit to the UK in 2010.

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