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King Charles III in Berlin: This is how the capital received the Royals

Steinmeier receives King Charles III in Berlin. During his trip to Germany, the new British head of state has a difficult dual role.

When the soldiers of the Bundeswehr set down their rifles with a loud bang on the pavement, Pariser Platz fell into a tense silence. For almost twenty minutes, hardly any of the few hundred spectators dare to say a word. The loud whirr of a helicopter overhead Brandenburger Tor spinning around, coupled with the snipers on the surrounding rooftops herald the arrival of King Charles III. seem almost threatening.

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After Federal President Frank-Walther Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender were dropped off at Pariser Platz by a black Mercedes state car, all eyes turned to the driveway. Suddenly the wine-red Bentley pulls up. As König Charles III. and his wife Camilla enter the historic site of the former inner-German border ten minutes late, the first cheers finally break the icy silence.

It is the first state trip that Charles III. undertakes in his capacity as king. A happening that many people do not want to miss. Visitors had to put up with waiting in line for at least two hours. At the beginning the sun was still shining on the sea of ​​Ukrainian, European, German and English flags, which stretched between the Russian Message extends over the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column. British English can be heard here and there. Hardly anyone among those waiting has only fan articles with them.

Difficult dual role for King Charles III.

For Charles himself, it’s a difficult dual role being the new one König must fulfill on this visit to Germany. Despite his position as head of state, he is not allowed to be openly political, the royal family is at least outwardly committed to neutrality. At the same time, the task he is asked to fulfill is deeply political. It is no coincidence that Charles’ first official trip abroad as king took him to Europe before his coronation. London is concerned with strengthening relations with the continent, which have been badly damaged by the ongoing Brexit dispute. It is a signal that the European Union has been left, but not Europe, said the British Ambassador in Berlin, Jill Gallard, on Wednesday.

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Despite his new title, Charles is not unknown in Germany either – the 75-year-old had spent his entire life in public as heir to the throne before succeeding his mother, Elizabeth II, last year. And during this time he was often in Germany – around 40 official and private trips have already brought the current king here. The Windsors have a personal connection to the country: the family has German roots, Prince Albert, husband of queen victoria, came from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. And Charles’ father, Prince Philip, who died in 2021, comes from two German noble families. Today’s king speaks German himself.

Is known for Charles’ long tenure as an active Royal but also much more about his political positions than his mother did – he is considered a staunch advocate of nature and climate protection. At the World Climate Conference in Glasgow in 2021, he gave a speech that urged politicians to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Charles was originally scheduled to visit France first, but that part of the trip was postponed due to ongoing, violent protests in the country against President Macron’s pension reforms.

A tense silence in front of the Brandenburg Gate

Instead, first Germany, Pariser Platz instead of Paris. Were on the military part of Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Charles and Camilla greeted with a 21 gun salute and two Eurofighters flying overhead, before continuing in a convoy to the Brandenburg Gate, where the military guard of honor was already waiting.

The reception through Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender at am Brandenburger was a premiere. The Federal President usually receives guests at Bellevue Palace.

But the gate is a grateful backdrop for the pictures that are to be created during this visit. Because every smile, every handshake with the visitors who came to see the monarch up close is also a message on behalf of the kingdom: an elderly gentleman in a black coat, who sometimes picks up a cap and hands it back, when it falls over the barrier of a visitor – that’s how it should look, the friendly face of Great Britain.

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Germany is also trying hard to show a friendly face. But after the initial cheers, the cloak of silence once again covers Pariser Platz. After all, shortly before arrival, small Germany and England flags distributed. Otherwise, the Germans could only have received the royal couple with Burger King paper crowns, which the fast-food chain even distributed in the separate security zone. Probably an allusion to the gift of a teenager who gave Camilla such a crown in early March.

After a brief handshake, the heads of state and their wives walk towards the Brandenburg Gate, in front of which the staff band and the guard of honor are already standing armed forces posted with stern eyes. Charles III and Steinmeier step onto a small pedestal, while Camilla and Büdenbender wait a little to the side behind it. The Bundeswehr Orchestra plays “God Safe the King” while a gigantic Union Jack is hoisted in the background. The soldiers also sing the German national anthem.

“Wow, he shook my hand!”

After this act, the two men walk down one side and the two women down the other side of Pariser Platz to greet the crowd. But even the eager handshake of the two heads of state does not trigger any cheers. The rustling of the little flags and the clicking of the SLR cameras are louder than the voices of the crowd. Even when a visitor shouts “Applause for the king,” only two other people feel compelled to heed the call. The crowd is too focused to catch an exchange with Charles. He warmly welcomes visitors. Also Steinmeier, who is amused by the Burger King crowns in a loud voice, tries to say hello to as many people as possible. Attorney Helena Sitz, for example, comes out of the crowd, euphoric about Charles: “Great, he shook my hand!”

After both Charles and Steinmeier, as well as Camilla and Buedenbender passed their side, the event is already over. Just twenty minutes after Charles arrives, the snipers retreat and the red carpet is rolled back up.

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