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King The Magician dusts off photos with The Goddess of their ten-year relationship

King The Magician dusts off photos with The Goddess of their ten-year relationship

Ten years are easy to say, however, For The Goddess and King The Magician it has been a whole decade of complicitymutual support, difficult moments and other very happy ones, of making plans together and fulfilling dreams.

The Cuban producer surprised his partner by dust off several photos from all these years that they have shared side by side.

“Tell me something Goddess, 10 sticks already in the ribs”Rey wrote in the description of her post on Instagram.

Such a nice video did not go unnoticed by the singer who wrote in the comments: “What beauty, my love.”.

In each year from 2014 to 2024, Rey chose photos in which both appear smiling and enjoying moments that will remain in our memories.

In one of the photos from 2016, undoubtedly one of the most tender, Rey is seen with Reychel as a baby in his arms and The Goddess kissing her partner.

In January of next year the two will also be celebrating 10 years but of his marriagea date that they will surely celebrate in style.

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