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Kirchnerism increases the pressure on Alberto: what will he demand of him to avoid losing the elections

He kirchnerism wants to use the political table to put pressure on Alberto Fernandez with the revision of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. It will not only seek to debate the electoral issue but also he wants to put in the spoon and redirect management so as not to lose the elections.

The sector linked to Cristina Kirchner will manage to get the most out of the political table and will discuss one of the key issues that led to questioning the continuity of the Frente de Todos: the renegotiation of the debt with the IMF.

A sector of the FDT in Congress voted against it because it considered that the program negotiated with the organization implied an adjustment for the most vulnerable sectors. The group of legislators who rejected the agreement pointed out that the new program “is difficult to comply with” and that “it will be the people who suffer the consequences.” The project, which was finally approved, refinanced the debt of 44 billion dollars contracted by the government of Mauricio Macri.

For Kirchnerism it will be impossible to meet the goals proposed by Argentina, and especially when the program proposes an economic adjustment, which inevitably will not help to achieve a victory in the elections.

The call to the political table generated new short circuits in the Frente de Todos, after the confirmation that President Alberto Fernández agreed to discuss the candidacies. Kirchnerism clarified that it intends to define not only the assembly of the lists of candidates but to direct management and discuss the relationship with the IMF.

The Renovation Front and the Evita Movement anticipated that they will be part of the table, as will the unionism and the governors of the ruling party. The La Cámpora group, headed by Máximo Kirchner, kicked off last year when they demanded that “a space to debate the things of the Frente de Todos” and “broaden the table because the problems of Argentines are great”.

The call to the political table generated new short circuits in the Frente de Todos

There was no immediate acceptance from the Executive until last week’s Buenos Aires PJ meeting in Merlo pressured the President to discuss this year’s electoral setup.

Where will the political table be?

The meeting of the national political table was confirmed yesterday by the Justicialista Party. The first meeting will be on Thursday 16 at the headquarters of the Justicialista Party on Matheu street where different referents of the Frente de Todos will attend. The deputy chief of staff, Juan Manuel Olmos, and proxy of the PJ, officiated as organizer of the event that will have as an excuse the reopening of the venue.

Alberto Fernández had anticipated that as president of the PJ he would form a table in the coming days that “designs the electoral rules of the Front and the strategy to follow with a view to the different elections.” The intention is to add the governors, Buenos Aires mayors, trade unionists, and social movements.

Kirchnerism calls for a political table where “strategic policies” are discussed, including the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. Deputy Máximo Kirchner was the first to make public his rejection of negotiations with the IMF and resigned from the bloc’s presidency.

The sector of the coalition linked to Vice President Cristina Kirchner is committed to arriving united at the next elections and that the Frente de Todos does not break. However, presses for Alberto to give up his re-election intentions because it could complicate the campaign.

The hard wing affirms that the President “is staying alone” and that for this reason he had to call a discussion among all the referents in space. “It is supposed to be a table for everyone,” they analyze about the call. The internal questioning is due to the tenor of the table that Alberto Fernández intends. “He emphasizes that it is a polling station,” say the detractors.

Deputy Máximo Kirchner and his mother, Cristina, will not be present but will send a representative

Who will be at the political table of the FdT

Alberto Fernández will be the host in his role as president of the party at the national level. Deputy Kirchner and his mother, Cristina, will not be present but they will send a representative, who would be the Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro. The attendance of several mayors and governors from all over the country is expected, and of inevitable references to this type of party meetings. Another relevant figure at the meeting will be the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who maintains a fluid dialogue with Máximo and with the vice president and sponsors a link with the President. Governor Axel Kicillof will also be present as vice president of the party.

Some of the more difficult points of the discussion will be agree if there will be a unit list as in 2019 and will enable several candidates to compete in a STEP.

Far gone were the meetings that used to be held in Olivos with the current chancellor, Santiago Cafiero, the son of the Vice President, Wado de Pedro, Kicillof, and Massa. At the current political table, it was suggested that Cristina have a chair, but the lack of dialogue with Alberto dilutes that possibility. After the legislative defeat of 2021 and the exposure of more internal differences, Albertismo set up its own meetings with men it trusted.

La Rosada adds support

From the trade union sector, the head of Truck Drivers and general secretary of the CGT,

Pablo Moyano celebrated the construction of a political table that discusses the FDT’s strategy by affirming that “discussions must take place inside and fights do not come out.”

The chief of staff, Juan Manzur, expressed himself along the same lines, announcing that he will leave his position to fight for the governorship of Tucuman. “We celebrate and accompany the initiative of President Alberto Fernández to convene a space for debate so that our political space,” he said from social networks.

The Evita Movement, through the leader Fernando “Chino” Navarro, pointed out that the call “is positive” and that “it should express the breadth and diversity” of the FDT.

The governor of Catamarca, Raúl Jalil, added to the list of praise, who stated that dialogue “is key to continuing with federal policies.”

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