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Kirchnerism puts pressure on Cristina and goes out to “do her curls” with an unusual campaign

The Frente de Todos has not yet defined its candidate for the presidential elections, and an important sector of that space insists on having Cristina Fernández in that place.

“We make our rollers and we begin the campaign to distribute rollers,” said deputy Eduardo Valdés, who assured that Peronism will “fight until the last day” for the Vice President to appear in the PASO.

This was expressed, along with other leaders, at the presentation of the book “Objetivo Cristina”, which took place at the headquarters of the Justicialista Party (PJ) of the Tres de Febrero party in Buenos Aires, located in the town of Santos Lugares.

At the meeting, they analyzed the judicial situation facing Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and asked for her nomination carrying mannequins and rollers.

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“We make our curlers and we start the campaign to distribute curlers,” said the deputy while holding in one of his hands a mannequin with a wig and curlers, alluding to the phrase that the two-time President issued weeks ago to refer to her hypothetical candidacy : “Don’t curl your hair”.

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