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Kitzingen: Health department warns of legionella in drinking water – “dangerous sources of infection”

  • Health Department Kitzingen: Too low hot water temperatures potentially dangerous
  • drinking water must checked regularly become
  • Legionella can cause pneumonia, for example
  • health department recommends Safety measures

To save energy costsrecently in many places not only the heaters, but also the Hot water temperatures of the hot water treatment systems down regulated‘ explains that Health Department Kitzingen in a press release. These measures could growth of so-called legionella have.

Legionella in drinking water: Health department Kitzingen points out possible dangers

operate one Plants only between 25 and 55 degrees Celsiusyou offer ideal conditions for the growth of Legionella, especially in Deposits from artificial water pipes or systems with insufficient flow. Only from a temperature of more than 60 degrees centigrade become the legionella mostly killedaccording to the health department.

Legionella are germsthe all over the world naturally occur when they are however spread en masse, could cause serious consequences in humans. Symptoms of flu-like symptoms up to one severe pneumonia to be triggered. The germs spread through misted water in the air, according to health officials, causing showers, hot tubs, humidifiers and even air conditioners to “dangerous sources of infection” make.

This could especially be the case for people with weak immune system, pensioners and smokers dangerous be. True, the germs settled not from person to person transferred, but there are also no vaccination against legionella. The health department in Kitzingen points out that “all owners of drinking water installations” are obliged toCheck drinking water for legionella at regular intervals to let.” Excluded from this One and two-family houses.

Health department Kitzingen recommends security measures against legionella

The health department gives Advice on how to prevent legionella:

  • water pipes use regularly and avoid dead legs in the line system, so that no water stagnation in the pipes occurs
  • In houses with central water heating and hot water tanks, the controller temperature on the drinking water tank should be on at least 60 degrees Celsius be set
  • Water temperatures in the pipe system should at least 55 degrees Celsius exhibit
  • (Cold and warm) water pipes within the house installation should professionally insulated be to to avoid heat loss

These measures should be adhered to, for if certain limits exceeded would have to in the short term Remedial and immediate measures to be initiated, often too high follow-up costs to lead. The health department also emphasizes that the recommended Energy saving measures only on heating and not on the hot water supply relate.

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