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Klaxit, the short-distance carpooling platform

The platform is the leader in short-distance carpooling in France. It has created partnerships with 40 local authorities.

Last December, the government set up an annual bonus of 100 euros for those who register on a carpooling platform and test it. A good point for Klaxit, the leader in short-distance carpooling in France.

Our goal is to “democratize everyday carpooling”, explains Julien Honnart, president and founder of Klaxit guest on the Tech&Co show. Created in 2012, his company is primarily aimed at a peri-urban public, people who have no other choice but to take the car to go to work because the distances are longer and the transport network is non-existent.

When a driver offers carpooling on the platform, he pockets 25 euros from the first race and then 100 euros at the end of the next 10. Klatix has signed contracts with major French companies such as Renault, Orange and BNP Paribas. “The support of these companies allows us to create the backbone of the network”, explains the founder. Indeed, it helps to ensure that drivers and passengers find each other.

Users still cautious

Thus, employees looking for carpooling can find their way between colleagues or neighboring companies. Over time, the journeys are made with the same people. “To each his own schedule, you need people on the platform for it to work”, observes Julien Honnart.

But for the service to work, the French must not be cautious of the system, which is still the case. The bonus of 100 euros therefore has an incentive role. The other obstacle concerns the infrastructures, “complicated to put in place from a political point of view”, concedes the founder, such as the lanes reserved for carpooling vehicles.

However, France is rather ahead of the game, with the mobility orientation law which allows communities and companies to promote carpooling, voted in 2019.

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