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Koei Tecmo:report cites the auction of Rise of the Ronin and the sale of Wo Long and Wild Hearts

Sullo sfondo dell’apertura di Koei Tecmo a Game Pass e PlayStation Plus, l’azienda videoludica giapponese snocciola tutta un serie di informazioni sui progetti in sviluppo e sui titoli di recente commercializzazione traverso il resoconto finanziario dell’ultimo anno fiscale.

Il colosso videoludico di Yokohama ripercorre gli ultimi dodici mesi departing from the comforting fact of the upper income of 7.8% respecting the previous fiscal year (for a total of 584.3 million dollars), but with a net profit of 230.5 million dollars that is less than 12.5% ​​respecting the total cost of the year.

Nei diagrammi explicativi pubblicati da Koei Tecmo trova poi spazio il passaggio in cui il publisher nipponico si dice soddisfatto delle Vendite globali di Wo Long Fallen Dynasty e Wild Hearts: for without fornire and data of sale, the Giapponese business is defined “a success” It is the soulslike of Team Ninja that the hunting game signed Omega Force.

The report from Koei Tecmo also certifies the growth of the company in terms of copy distribution globally (+18.6% its annual basis), di download your mobile system (+8.6%) and the return on copies sold in the retail market and in digital delivery, with the latter growing from 9.6%, increasing the share of 67% in the total share of the video games sold by the Giapponese company. As for the future, Koei Tecmo ribadisce che Rise of the Ronin will use your PS5 in 2024.

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