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Kulfas, hard on Cristina: he said that in his two governments “there was no anti-inflation plan”

Eight months after his departure from the national government, Matías Kulfas broke the silence and spoke of the “open-air internalism” that occurs in the ruling party, of the “anti-company prejudices” of certain sectors within the Executive Power and that during the two Cristina Kirchner’s efforts “there was no anti-inflation plan”.

In statements to Radio con Vos, the former Minister of Productive Development assured that “Argentina today is immersed in an important political problem that is preventing it from moving forward and that cuts across all of politics.”

In this context, he affirmed that “Peronism is lost in many ways”, which led to “a level of open-air internalism that was not seen in any government”, and questioned that within the Executive Power there are sectors that ” they have anti-company prejudices”.

Regarding the agreement with the IMF and inflation, the former official indicated that “it is clear that the Fund was worked by Macri, but that unsustainable debt had to be negotiated. I think a good agreement was signed within the conditions”, and pointed out against “those oppositions without any alternative. There are issues that are more about power, about continuing to preserve the monopoly within Peronism,” referring, without naming him, to the position taken by Máximo Kirchner, who did not support the renegotiation of the agreement and decided to renounce the presidency of the block of deputies of the Front of All.

Regarding inflation, he maintained that “in the eight years of Cristina Kirchner there was no anti-inflation plan.” “Then Macri came, said she was nonsense and doubled it,” she considered, adding that “Alberto Fernández, we already know what happened, he had the worst context.”

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