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Kyiv reports another artillery strike against Russian troops

In the Cherson region in southern Ukraine, the Ukrainian military says it has inflicted heavy casualties on Russian forces.Image: AP / Bernat Armangue


01/03/2023, 07:5201/03/2023, 09:27

Over ten months after the start of the Ukraine war Russia intensified his attacks again. At the turn of the year, the capital Kyiv came under heavy fire. In the east of the country, the clashes at the front further. According to their own account, the Ukrainian armed forces have disabled several hundred Russian soldiers in the Donetsk region.

Meanwhile, former Bundeswehr and NATO general Hans-Lothar Domröse expects a ceasefire in the war later this year.

January 3rd

9.14 a.m .: Kyiv reports another artillery strike against Russian troops

In the Kherson region in the south of the Ukraine According to their own statements, the Ukrainian military inflicted heavy losses on the Russian armed forces with an artillery attack. The Ukrainians scored a hit against enemy troops and military technology near the village of Chulakivka, the Ukrainian General Staff said in its situation report on Tuesday. “The enemy’s losses amount to 500 dead and injured,” it said. The attack had already taken place on New Year’s Eve. The information provided by the military could not be independently verified. Both warring parties often speak of high losses on the opposing side.

January 2nd

9:36 p.m .: Selenskyj sees Russian attrition tactics in drone attacks

In view of the repeated Russian drone attacks on Ukrainian cities in recent days, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warns of a possible war of attrition. “We have information that Russia is planning a long-term attack by Shahed drones,” said Zelenskyy in his daily video address on Monday evening. Russia wants to achieve wear and tear with it. “The exhaustion of our people, our air defenses, our energy,” he said. “But we must and will do everything we can to ensure that this goal of the terrorists fails like all the others.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyj warns of a possible war of attrition.Image: Zuma Press / Ukrainian Presidential Press Off

The Russian military uses so-called kamikaze drones which, at the end of their flight, descend vertically on their target. The relatively slow Iranian-made drones are an easy target for anti-aircraft defenses, but the large numbers of deployed unmanned aerial vehicles and constant air surveillance pose a major challenge for Ukrainian air defenses.

“Only two days have passed since the beginning of the year,” said Zelenskyj. “And already the number of drones shot down over Ukraine is over 80.” The Russian military mainly use the drones against Ukrainian cities in order to cause as much damage as possible to the energy network there.

Older news from the war in Ukraine can be found here.

(ast/with material from dpa/afp)

Note: This article is no longer updated. Check out the latest news on the war in Ukraine here.

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