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La bufera sulle banche potrebbe non essere passata: ecco le possibili prossime vittime

La bufera sulle banche potrebbe non essere

Venice March 24 is a day of strong volatility for the European Borse because of the price surge of bank securities. After the failure of SVB and the extremis rescue of Credit Suisse, the banking sector sows essere in difficoltà. This storm sows only the beginning and other banks may raise the lottery of SVB and Credit Suisse. Per gli analisti due banche in particular potrebbe essere le prossime ad essere coinvolte. La bufera sulle banche potrebbe non essere passata?

Prima di capire se quali other banche potrebbero avere problemi, è importante comprender because the banking sector is suddenly in crisis, dopo anni di relative stabilità. To understand that this is happening and something that could happen next week, it is necessary to take an indietro step. occurs I will return to the crisis of the financial markets of 2008, which has led to the failure of Lehman Brothers, one of the most important banks in the world. The situation of now presents some analogy with the current answer.

The analogy between the 2008 crisis and the current one

The raw analogy che salta all’occhio riguarda i was interested. The failure of Lehman Brothers and the successive financial crisis, sono state precedent gives a rapid and decisive increase in the cost of the denar. The second analogy è che entrambe le crisi sono state innescate dal crollo di una banca d’affari americanaSVB oggi and Lehman Brothers in 2008.

The third analogy è che entrambé le banche avevano investito in an excessive and risky way in a specific sector. The SVB operated mainly in the financing of the tech startups while Lehman Brothers had invested heavily in subprime mutuals. It is not a case that the settori is particularly sensitive to the cost of denomination and that there are penalties for improvvisi and decisions that increase the amount of interest.

La bufera sulle banche potrebbe coinvolgere altri nomi illustri anche in Europa

The fourth analogy guard the valanga effect. In 2008, the crisis did not originate from the State Unit and did not originate in Europe. Currently, this scenario is said to be true, and the Credit Suisse crisis is caused by reckless management by the Institute.

Tuttavia, this non si può dire di Deutsche Bank. Nonostante ciò, venerdi 24 march, the colosso bancario tedesco has risen a heat in Borsa dell’8,7%, transcending the ribasso le azioni bancarie quote in Europe. In Italy, in that seduta de Borsa i prezzi di Unicredit e Banco BPM have not risen a decrease of 4%, the title Intesa Sanpaolo has registered a fall of 2%. Ma tutti i titoli bancari sono stati colpiti dalla tendenza al ribasso.

The next possible bankruptcy of the financial crisis

La bufera sulle banche potrebbe coinvolgere altri nomi illustri. Deutsche Bank potrebbe essere una delle prossime banche ad avere difficoltà di liquidità. The case of Credit Suisse, the second Swiss bank and one of the first venti to live in the world, shows how no bank is immune from the risk of default, especially thanks to modern technology. In fact, one click is enough to get a large amount of money into the bank.
Even in Italy i fallimenti bancari negli ultimi anni non sono mancati. In the time, in America, First Bank will become the next bank to fail. In fact, the rating agency Standard&Poor’s has recently declassified its debt to BB+, especially junk, spazzatura, because of the high risk of leaking deposits.

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