
La Cámpora evaluated the FdT meeting as “positive, but clarified: “Nobody kept anything back, there were strong proposals”

Andrew "Raven" Larroque (Credit: Aglaplata)
Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque (Credit: Aglaplata)

Finally, the front of all held a political meeting where the main space leaders agreed to condemn what they consider to be a ban on Cristina Kirchner in this year’s elections.

The vice president was sentenced in December last year in the highway case and disqualified from holding public office. Although the ruling is not final and technically CFK could run, Peronism believes that it is a persecution tool for “real power” to prevent the leader from returning to lead the public administration.

Andres Larroque, leader of La Cámpora, was one of the leaders who was last night at the discussion table that was held at the historic PJ party headquarters on Matheu street. His sector was one of those who had demanded that the President make this call in his double capacity as head of state and head of the PJ. That’s why, the “Crow” described as positive that this area of ​​discussion has been generatedregardless of the fact that there were moments of tension during the evening.

“I went to many political meetings and when you leave a meeting you know if that meeting made sense or it was just a thing of hypocritical interventions so that time passes. Yesterday there was sincerity, strong proposals, nobody saved anything”, Larroque recounted in an interview with futurerock.

These statements -he developed- generated a minimum logical tension in this type of debate, mainly around programmatic issues that were not clarified when the front was formed, in 2019, and now on the eve of an electoral process it becomes “urgent to resolve” .

“There was a lot of sincerity and sometimes when you speak the truth, someone may like it more or less, but it is what you need a space to grow,” he reflected.

As revealed, the conversation began with a brief message from Alberto Fernández in which he vindicated the primary elections as the tool to settle candidacies during this 2023. As expected, some of the attendees made clear their idea of ​​discussing programmatic issues as a central axis to generate expectations for the presidential elections.

“I am left with the things in which we are advancing and the question related to Cristina’s proscription and the need for the table to constitute a commission that asks her for a meeting to discuss this situation was conclusive,” he explained. The leaders also discussed different “actions” to “break” with the denounced ban, including a “fight plan.”

As it turned out, the President spoke again about his desire to compete for re-election. He even suggested that he is willing to compete in primaries against other referents in space, something that provoked a counterpoint with Cámpora. “From our sector we propose that it would be inconvenient to carry out a STEP process in the event that the President was a candidate, For us it would not be logical or natural, but since there was a definition it was a difficult topic to deepen”, Larroque synthesized.

However, for the group led by “Cuervo” there are no doubts about who should lead the process and that is why they supported the motion for a commission to speak with Cristina Kirchner because she is the candidate with the highest level of support. “We want to bring the intention of the table closer to her again so that she reanalyzes her decision because she did not get off because she did, but because of a certain circumstance.”

Following the court ruling that disqualified her, CFK announced that she would not be a candidate for any position this year. Some time later, she spoke that she does not really show up because she is banned, which turned on some light of hope in those who hope to see her again as President.

How do you combine the possibility of the President going to PASO and his vice being a candidate? “They are two different steps,” Larroque clarified. “There is the possibility that she is a candidate, but beyond that it has to be clear that Peronism does not accept conditions and based on something that was hovering in the environment, it was also essential that the President’s intentions be clarified,” he pointed out. .

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