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Labbadia successor at VfB: Gisdol will not

Markus Gisdol will apparently not be on the sidelines at VfB Stuttgart in the future. As the ‘kicker’ reports, the probability that the 53-year-old will take over as head coach at the troubled Bundesliga club from Bruno Labbadia is “towards zero”. Felix Magath (69) is also not a candidate.

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And Labbadia? According to a report in ‘Bild’, the 57-year-old’s exit from VfB is a done deal. This Sunday, however, he was still in charge of the team training. However, a whereabouts are anything but certain: According to ‘kicker’, a meeting between the club officials on the subject of coaching on Sunday ended inconclusively. Further talks will follow.

reading tip
VfB: Labbadia leads the training

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