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Labor licenses: they want pets to be recognized by law as part of the family

The initiative is from a pet food brand. They consider them family and their owners should be able to take leave for them

By iProfessional

19/04/2023 – 10,49hs

The company presented the idea and hopes that it will become bill so that in this way it reaches Congress. Which would mean that workers could take leave from work, both when their pets are sick or even when they die, as well as what happens in the event of the death of a close relative (parents, siblings, children, spouses). There was even talk of give them an ID to identify them in case of abandonment.

Under the premise “part of the family, part of the Law”, the healthy food company for dogs and cats Mon Ami, opened a high-impact public discussion about the inclusion of animals. They look for the pets are legally considered part of the family nucleus and that, consequently, his departure is contemplated within the regime of special work licenses.

This means that, just as workers have days off due to the departure of a relative or the birth of a child, the same happens when a dog or cat dies. The company promotes various initiatives related to the bond between humans and petsranging from your product and awareness of animal health and welfare to different activities that motivate their physical care.

Where to sign the bill petition

The proposal is carried out from the renowned platform, which is known for promote various campaigns in support of different causes and, shortly after being published, the initiative went viral on all networks.

To the point that even several celebrities, including Miss Bolivia, Cande Molfese and Melina Lezcanothey echoed the topic and the request that was published on the platform this Friday, has already accumulated 2,356 signatures.

Omar and Antonella Marini, founders and directors of the company, expressed in this regard: “Today our dogs and cats are part of the most intimate affective nucleus, they make up and go through our lives. We want them to legally be what they already are affectively in our homes“.

They want by law that the owners have days of leave for birth, illness and death of their pets

“We would like those who represent us in Congress to listen to our request and that of thousands of Argentine families who share their lives with their pets and feel deep pain when they leave,” Marini said.

“What almost no person knows is that all the foods present in the gondolas of the country do not contain real meat, only animal protein generated with waste from the food industry. That’s why it’s important to raise awareness about this issue and read labels so you don’t buy premium products that don’t actually have fresh meat,” he added.

What are the current special licenses?

The worker will enjoy the following special paid licenses:

  • Birth of son or daughter: 2 consecutive days.
  • Marriage: 10 calendar days.
  • Death of husband, wife, common-law husband, common-law wife, sons, daughters or parents: 3 calendar days.
  • Due to death of brother: 1 day.
  • To take an exam in secondary or university education: 2 calendar days per exam, with a maximum of 10 days per calendar year.
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