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Laboratory develops these advanced capsules to grow plants and food on other planets

We do not know if in the future the human race will live on another planet. But there is no doubt that science is preparing for that situation. Any project of the POT certifies that statement and companies related to space exploration support this initiative of the North American space agency.

Living on another planet other than Earth requires conditions similar to those that our world develops. If they get that and the rocky body is relatively close, we’re done. But since at the moment that only happens in science fiction, experts are preparing to populate places where there is no what we find in our soil.

The plants that generate food and the living conditions that we maintain on Earth are essential. That is why a company called Interstellar Lab has been in charge of developing devices called BioPods.

What are Interstellar Lab BioPods?

According to what a note from infobaethe company manufactures systems that generate a sustainable life in closed circuits or protected environments.

In this sense, the BioPods arrive, some capsules that would help astronauts to stay supplied with food even in the most adverse conditions for plant growth.

The development of this company caught the attention of NASA and therefore, in 2023 they are going to install some of their copies at the headquarters of the space agency located in Cape Canaveral, Florida (United States). In case everything goes as stipulated, they would like to send some to the International Space Station (ISS).

The successful tests of the capsules were carried out in desert areas, with the intention of emulating conditions similar to those of Mars.

“We hope our company will find ways to improve things on the surface as well, with more efficient tools to remove carbon dioxide from the air or treat wastewater,” said Barbara Belvisi, CEO of Intestellar Lab.

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