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Lack of patent: 300 vehicles seized

There are more and more vehicles without a license plate that circulate in different sectors of the city. it is considered a serious fault / the day

The lack of license plates on vehicles is considered a serious offense and for this reason more than 300 vehicles were seized in the last year, according to official data. The absence of this identification can have a fine of up to 208,200 pesos.

The absence of one or both license plates in different vehicles is increasingly observed. That can be a reason for kidnapping the vehicle and retention of the driver’s license.

There are two reasons why vehicles may have this deficiency: the owner loses them or they are stolen and in several cases they end up using them on another vehicle for criminal purposes, according to various sources consulted.

In the event of the loss of one or both of the patents, the owner of the vehicle has to file a complaint with an official body. One of the most common is the Registry of Persons. It can also be done in the Automotive Registry to which the shot corresponds. But in this case the owner of the vehicle has to take a turn and in the meantime it is recommended not to use the vehicle on public roads.

The process to recover the patents must be carried out in an official Automotive Registry, they cannot be purchased elsewhere. Once the complaint is made, the Automotive Registry delivers provisional licenses: white paper with numbers and letters in red, until the metal plate arrives with the duplicate, triple or quadruple number, as the case may be. This paper plate has a term of 30 days, renewable in case the metal sheet has not arrived before that initially stipulated term.


The replacement of the plates has a cost of more than 8,000 pesos for the forms that must be completed: 1,220 pesos for each new ID (if there is more than one owner of the vehicle with an ID, you pay for each plastic); 2,700 pesos for the set of plates (even if one of the two is lost, the replacement is for both because both the front and the back must be placed the same); 940 pesos for the signature; and another 942 pesos for another allusive form that must be completed. You also have to add 470 pesos for the report of infractions that the shot has.

It should be noted that to start the process, once the day of the shift granted arrives, the interested party must go to the Registry with the original national identity document (DNI) and the original title of the vehicle.

Making the complaint in a timely manner releases the owner of the vehicle from responsibilities in the event that they can be placed in another vehicle and a violation or crime is committed or involved in a road accident. It will make it possible to verify that this patent was officially annulled because it is pending or a duplicate of it has already been granted to the owner of the vehicle. If this complaint is not made, there may be difficulties for the owner of these patents until it is verified that they correspond to the original vehicle, indicated sources consulted by this newspaper.

In the Municipality they reported that “as a result of the lack of license plates, so far in January, 6 vehicles have been hijacked within the framework of the various control operations that are carried out in the Partido de La Plata” and indicated that ” During the past year, 295 vehicles were hijacked for this infraction.”

It should be noted that the National Traffic Law 24,449 art. 77F says: “that the vehicle, including the trailer, have the domain identification plates placed with the characteristics and in the places established by the regulations. They must be legible of standardized types and without additions”, they remark in the Commune, where they add that “this is considered a serious offense, for which the sanction is the kidnapping of the vehicle and the retention of the driver’s license, in addition to draw up the corresponding record in these cases”.

Being considered a serious offense, it is stipulated that the fine has the highest modules according to traffic regulations. As if the road did not have the VTV or crosses a red light. This means that it can reach 1,000 fixed units (UF). Taking into account that the value of UF is currently 204.2 pesos, the fine can reach 204,200 pesos.


Since the new Mercosur patent models are used, which began with the 2016 model vehicles, numerous requests are entered in the Automotive Registries to repair the manufacturing error, management that is free. As the patent has to be visible and read correctly, an error in a number or letter due to a manufacturing fault, can be the reason for a violation, explained sources from different offices linked to automotive registries.

One of the ones that had the greatest difficulties were the alphanumeric patents that begin with “AB”, they detailed.

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