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Lali Esposito, intimate: her new album, the changes in her sexuality and “the solitary question of being an artist”

Lali in República Z spoke about loneliness and music

Lali Esposito She is one of the most established Argentine artists in the national and even global environment thanks to her career and talent as an actress, singer and dancer. In recent days she presented her latest album which she called by her stage name: lali and this Tuesday she was interviewed in a one-on-one with the Aunt Sebi for the cycle Biri Birifrom República Z, in which they also participate Julieta Puente, Mica Lapegüe and Yeyo de Gregorio. During the note, the artist talked about everything and was encouraged to reflect on her love life, the purpose of her new album and how she carried out the creative process.

—Speaking of this new album we can see a Lali who defined the concepts of love, of sex: In what format of love are you feeling comfortable today?

—The truth is that in none, that’s why I think I feel comfortable. Still, it is a haven to feel that you choose a format. If it works for you, it’s great if it makes you feel good. It still hasn’t happened to me, I don’t feel like there is one that makes me feel good. Yes, I have gone through many forms of love and bonding and they were all very good in their moments and it was what I chose. What I am avoiding is that love drags me towards common places that one finds later and you say “I really didn’t want this”. Like, because I loved someone, I dragged myself to places where I’m not, or things that don’t define me or don’t cover me. I try very timidly and within my learning to feel that I am sincere, because I believe that it is good for one and it is good for the other too. It is to vibrate it, I do not close myself to anything that can happen to me.

Lali in Republic Z spoke about the stages of love

—I heard you say that in the video for “Diva”, that beyond opulence and luxurious things, it tries to reflect a little what loneliness would be. It reminded me a bit of Britney’s song “Lucky” that she is a star, lucky but lonely. Have you ever felt like this?

—Not directly, I never felt lonely like that specifically. But I believe that being an artist at the end of the day is a solitary matter. I’m still going to get the nickname of artist, we are all here and we feel that loneliness. Even if you have friends, love, family if you have it, you can still feel alone. In diva and in the idea of ​​the video it’s this idea of ​​her that she’s performing her but it’s all black around her. Because there are times when being a diva and being in your bubble sucks in the end because you don’t see anyone. It is a black world that can no longer see anything but itself, all the gold melts away and it becomes a statue that does not feel, so that is a bit of the message and background of the song.

—Did you always live your sexuality naturally?

—At first one denies, there is the season of denial. I think he denied it to me, not for others. He did not deny it to me because of the environment, I said how it was not the same to fall in love with a boy as with a girl. But I think that time and experiences give you the certainty that no, that I am a person who feels this way for people. That you fall in love with people at the end of everything.

Lali in República Z talked about her sexuality and the relationship with Lola Indigo

—And I’m going to ask you about her (Lola Indigo). You admitted that you made him a song, now she answered you with a remix. What’s up when they release these songs, let them know, here’s a stick for you?

—No, I am going to tell the story of N5 for the first time

-Let’s see:

N5″ is a song made to do with Lola. I do it because she was in Madrid and we had been coming from a week that she was telling herself about everything whether they kissed or not. So I go to the studio and I say “I want to talk about this”. That’s why I say that phrase “we already gave her the cover, now feed me” so I write it for her, that’s why it has that Spanish tinge. At that time, she was also doing releases and things so we couldn’t agree, but I wanted to release the song anyway. So I took it out and now she responded to me in a song… I still don’t feel like she responded to me, I swear.

“Give it, really?”

—I swear, I still sent him a message because, of course, my phone blew up. And we agreed that when we get together we will talk about it. That all this is very funny. But it is not what people think, that one is planning, that we have two children, that we are getting married in April. Lola is a friend that I have come across because of music and that I have a very good vibe.

Keep reading:

The sharp irony of Lali Esposito for not being nominated for the Gardel Awards: “It’s weird”
Lali Espósito released a new album with a special tribute to Moria Casán: what is “Who are they?” like, the song dedicated to the artist
Lola Índigo released a new song with risqué messages that would be dedicated to Lali Esposito
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