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Landes: the prefecture mistakenly publishes the identities of GIGN gendarmes

The administrative document, posted online on Monday and withdrawn the next day, concerned five soldiers decorated for having mastered a madman in June 2022 in the department.

The names and first names of five members of the GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group) were published by mistake on the website of the Landes prefecture on Monday March 13, reports Wednesday March 15 France Blue Gascony. This is an administrative act, an order aimed at awarding the bronze medal for an act of courage and dedication to these five soldiers, who intervened in June 2022 to control a madman entrenched in his home in Campet-Lamolère. The document which mentioned their identity was finally removed from the site Tuesday, March 14 at the end of the day.

Five decorated soldiers

“It’s absurd that these names are found online!”, took offense to France Bleu Gascogne a senior officer of the Landes national gendarmerie. Contacted, the communication service of the gendarmerie confirms that there was a “missed” somewhere, and that these identities should never have ended up on the internet. The Landes prefecture, which recognizes that the document has been withdrawn, does not wish to make any additional comments, also indicates France Bleu.

The identity of the gendarmes of the GIGN, in other words the elite unit of the gendarmerie, must remain secret because they intervene on sensitive missions.

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