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Langenfeld: ATM blown up – helicopter in use

Residents were woken up by the blast. The perpetrators fled in a dark-colored car in an unknown direction.

Previously unknown perpetrators blew up an ATM in Langenfeld near Düsseldorf on Thursday night. Debris and glass splinters flew meters away onto the street in front of the bank branch. According to the police, it was still unclear in the morning whether the perpetrators made loot. There were no injuries.

At 1:51 a.m., a resident of the “Santander” bank branch on the main street in the center of Langenfeld alerted the police after being woken up by a powerful bang. According to witnesses, several people fled the scene after the explosion; they sped off in a dark car.

ATM in Langenfeld blown up: Police are also looking for perpetrators by helicopter

The police launched a large-scale manhunt, in which a police helicopter was also used. But there was no trace of the perpetrators in the morning either, according to the Mettmann district police.

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The crime scene was cordoned off over a large area and was still being examined for traces in the morning, the police said. There was no estimate of the extent of the damage. Above the branch of the affected Santander Bank is a three-storey residential building.

The investigation is ongoing.


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