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Large families: life in XXL: new tribes land on the show! (PICTURES)

In 2020, TF1 launched a brand new program called Large families: life in XXL. In this docu-reality, large families open the doors of their daily lives to viewers. And since its launch, tribes have been revealed, in particular the Jeanson or the Pellissard, who have finally left the ship. This Friday, May 12, TF1 launches the seventh season of the program. And for this 2023 edition, she called on new families. Three have so far been formalized on the MYTF1 site. Who are they ? Follow the leader !

The Benaïssa family: a fifth child at 42 for Vanessa

Vanessa is a childcare assistant in a maternity ward. Akim, he is commercial. They have been together for 22 years, they who met at the age of 20! Together, they are the proud parents of four children: Yliès (15 ans), Nelia (13 ans), Soheyl (8 years old) and Kamyl (6 ans). In a few weeks, their tribe will grow with the arrival of a fifth child. For now, the couple do not want to know the sex of the baby. In their portrait broadcast on MYTF1, Vanessa says she has always had this passion for babies. It is moreover his profession which has “intensified” his desire to have a fifth child at 42 years old. On Instagramthe family formalized their participation in Large families: life in XXL.

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The Cail family: this ordeal that made these parents of six children grow

Marie-Caroline33, shares the life of Guillaume, also 33 years old. She works in a training center in a medical center and manages recruitment and communication. Her husband, he founded a school that trains in audiovisual or music. They are the head of a family of six children: Theophile (14 ans), Edouard (11 ans), Gaspard (9 ans), Ernest (4 ans), France (3 years) and Basile (1 an). “We have a sense of family, but we also have a damn sense of celebration“, confided the mother of the family in their portrait broadcast on MYTF1. They see their friends three times a week, either at home or away. A rhythm that children appreciate, because they can go to bed later! But the family went through a difficult ordeal when Marie-Caroline gave birth to Basile. “I almost lost my life“, she said. And to continue: “I recover Basile on me, at that moment, my sight is cloudy, I have stars in my eyes (…) I had a big massive pulmonary embolism which plunged me into a coma for several days“. Like the Benaïssa family, the Cail family has also formalized its participation on TF1.

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The Tuzzoli family: an ex in the tribe and a wedding soon

Ludovica et Gregory form an atypical couple. They will be getting married in a few weeks! “My witness will be Aurélie, Greg’s ex. It’s my best friend“, dropped the mother of the family in the portrait broadcast on MYTF1. The couple each have children from a first union. Thus, Ludovica has three children (Noa, Léo and Leny) and Grégory also has 3 children (Hugo, Chloé and Lucie) that he had with Aurélie! With Ludovica, he is the proud father of Nino, 1 year old. Like the two previous families, they too announced their participation on Instagram.

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