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Lasagna: a dish with 2,000 years of history that continues to conquer palates

Lasagna: a dish with 2,000 years of history that continues to conquer palates

Made with pasta sheets, tomato sauce, minced meat and cheese, lasagna is a delicious dish that is served hot after being baked.

It is an Italian dish with more than 2 thousand years of history, very popular in the world, whose name comes from the Greek “lasanon”, which means “tray”, although currently there are two ways of naming “lasagna”, because It comes from Italian, and “lasagna”.

Every July 29th is celebrated the World Lasagna Day. This, in homage to this popular dish, which appeared for the first time in history at the hands of Marco Gavio Apicio, a Roman gourmet and supposed author of the Latin recipe book “De re coquianaria”, which in the 1st century AD Christ first described the lasagna recipe.

Over time and thanks to the ingenuity of chefs and housewives, lasagna has been transformed. However, at that time Apicio described lasagna as thin sheets of pasta, stuffed with meat and cooked in the oven that he called “lagana”.

While the Roman philosopher Cicero liked “Lagum”, another dish very similar to lasagna made from long strips of pasta.

The lasagna recipe as we know it today is attributed to Maria Borgogno, thanks to some texts found in 1316, which described the recipe most similar to the one popularly known.

In 1881, tomato sauce was added to this popular recipe, according to the book “Principe dei cuochi o la vera cucina napolitana”, by the Italian Francesco Palma.

Lasagna is one of the most reinterpreted dishes in the world, indicates an article by Barilla, the famous pasta brand.

“This dish dates back to a time when neither the United Kingdom nor Italy existed as countries that could defend it,” he explains.

Lasagna continues to evolve in flavor

This dish is constantly evolving. The reasons are obvious, since there are even presentations that do not require pre-cooking and with only 20 minutes of baking you can obtain the perfect lasagna, added to the quality and flavor of these pasta sheets.

The slices are made from durum wheat semolina and water, which gives them an al dente flavor and consistency.

When preparing a delicious lasagna for a group of people or for an individual serving, these sheets are strong enough to support the weight of the sauce and cheese, and cook evenly.

Lasagna is one of the most reinterpreted dishes in the world, since it is more than 2 thousand years since it was created
Credit: Shutterstock

Nutritional value of lasagna

According to the nutritional value provided by the brand Barillalasagna is a source of protein and fiber.

A 50-g portion of cooked lasagna sheets provides 7 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber, which makes them a healthy ingredient to prepare delicious dishes such as meat lasagna and other recipes with vegetables and other ingredients.

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