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Last days of Silvia Pinal? This revealed

Last days of Silvia Pinal? This revealed

Silvia Pinal’s family She has denied that she is in poor health, but everything indicates that she is sick and in very poor health, because at the end of 2022, Gustavo Adolfo Infante assured that Silvia Pinal was sick with Covid-19 and that is why she had spent Christmas alone.

Faced with this news, your family denied that the Mexican film diva was suffering from this virus for the second time and They mentioned I had the flu.

On the other hand, it is noted that the 91-year-old actress has not given more details about her condition and has not made public appearances, which is why strong rumors have been encouraged.

A testimony puts Silvia Pinal’s health on alert

Silvia Pinal

Alejandra Guzmán, 54 years old, has said that Silvia Pinal is stable and that she only had influenza, for which she was in bed and under medical care.

For her part, Efigenia Ramos, Silvia Pinal’s personal assistant, also denied that the actress had fallen ill with Covid-19, as she mentioned that Silvia Pinal was very delicate with her lungs, so the cold weather affected her and that is why they took care of her

“What happens is that with the changes in weather it is very sheltered so that it will not cause more problems.”

In addition, Silvia Pinal’s assistant clarified that the actress does not face a complicated health situation: “Everything is fine” and assured that the rumors about a fight between the children of Silvia Pinal, over the inheritance, are pure inventions and that the family is very happy.

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The actress would need lung therapy

The Gossip No Like program went to Silvia Pinal’s house and met a pulmonary therapist, which caused speculation about her health to begin.

Although the pulmonary therapist refused to say anything about Silvia Pinal’s health, it is suspected that the actress would be experiencing health complications.

The supposed influenza that Silvia Pinal suffers would be leaving her lung havoc, so now she would need therapy.

It should be noted that until now, Silvia Pinal’s family insists that she is stable and happy, but there are some warnings that could reveal otherwise.

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