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Last year industrial activity grew 4.3% and construction 3.5%

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | 5:49 p.m.

Industrial activity grew 4.3% over the past year, after having presented a drop of 2.7% in December compared to the same month of 2021, the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) reported this Wednesday.

Meanwhile, activity in the construction sector accumulated an improvement of 3.5% compared to the previous year, after closing December with a decrease of 10.6% year-on-year.

In the last month of last year, the manufacturing sector showed a decline of 1.2% compared to November, and construction a drop of 3.5%.

In December, 11 of the 16 divisions of the manufacturing industry presented year-on-year falls. In order to its incidence at the general level, decreases of 15.8% were registered in “Furniture and mattresses and other manufacturing industries”; 3.8% in “Chemical substances and products”; 1.6% in “Food and beverages”.

There were also falls of 7.6% in “Rubber and plastic”; 6.1% in “Clothing, leather and footwear”; 7.4% in “Automotive vehicles, bodies, trailers and auto parts”; 3.2% in “Wood, paper, publishing and printing”; 7.8% in “Textile products”; 1.8% in “Non-metallic minerals”; 2.7% in “Other equipment, apparatus and instruments”; and 12.9% in “Other transport equipment”.

On the other hand, increases of 4.9% were observed in “Oil refining, coke and nuclear fuel”; 1.8% in “Basic metal industries”; 1.4% in “Machinery and equipment”; 1.5% in “Metal products” and 5.5% in “Tobacco”.

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