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Lauf an der Pegnitz: engine driver reports people on railway tracks – drunk interferes in police operation

Late Friday evening April 21st. 2023, reported the engine driver of an incoming S-Bahn in Lauf an der Pegnitz People on the train tracks. This was reported by the police inspection in Lauf an der Pegnitz.

When the train driver saw the people, he got concerned and immediately informed the police officers. A review revealed that two young girls wanted to catch the incoming S-Bahn and for this reason walked over the tracks.

People on train tracks in Lauf an der Pegnitz

At the same time disabled one heavily intoxicated male the police operation. The drunk person did not comply with a dismissal, so that he had to be taken into custody. It was subsequently found that several arrest warrants against the person present.

The arrest warrants could be executed in this course. The two young girls who Crossed tracks in front of the incoming trainmust now with one administrative offense report calculate.

Thumbnail: © analogicus/Pixabay

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